Chapter 14・Sorted Out

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Sting gave Natsu the silent treatment since Kenko called him off for being puerile and a vex. "Sting, I'm sorry that Kenko said that you were annoying and childish," Natsu apologized to him.

Sting just stared at him without responding. "Alright then, you leave me no choice," Natsu said and tackled him down and started to tickle him. Sting tried to hold his laughter in, but couldn't take it anymore and bursted out laughing.

"Ok hahaha ok, stop. Hahaha, I'll talk." Sting said laughing. Natsu stopped tickling him. "Forgive me?" He asked. "Yeah, just don't leave me out again," Sting replied pouting.

"So about yesterday, Kenko saying that she'll kill you. What're you gonna do?" Sting asked

Natsu sighed.

"...I guess I'll just have to stop treating her like a friend, but a threat now..." Natsu said clutching his fists. "I'm sorry this happened," Sting said patting Natsu's back. "It's ok. Since I know what her motive is now, I'm not letting her kill me," Natsu said. "Are you going to kill her?" Stings asked.

"I'm... I'm not sure if I can, but we'll just see how things go," Natsu responded looking at the ground.


Lucy stood in front of the hospital were they got Natsu's "meal" to meet up with Kenko about the plan.

Kenko finally arrived with 2 smoothies. "I didn't know what you liked so I got you strawberry mango. If you don't like it then I could just give it to someone else," Kenko said handing Lucy the strawberry mango smoothie.

"Actually, strawberry mango is my favorite," Lucy said with a smile. "Now, about the plan to defeat Zeref," Twilight said.

"Hold up, isn't Zeref your master? Why are you helping me instead of him?" Lucy asked in confusion. "It's because I don't like how he treats his servants or minions, whatever he calls them. I know they're all a lower class than him, but it's just not right that he can do whatever he wants to do with them," Kenko said with a frown.

"Well he is evil," Lucy said taking a sip from her smoothie. "Anyways, have you asked or told Natsu about the plan?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah about that, when you left to go home yesterday. I told him everything from you being a demon to planning to kill him," Kenko sweat dropped.

Lucy face palmed herself and said, "How are we going to convince Natsu now? If he knows that I'm going to kill him, well not anymore, then I don't think think he can trust me."

"Don't worry, I got your back," Kenko said and took a sip from her blueberry smoothie.

When they both finished their smoothies, they went and searched for either Natsu or Sting, but mostly Natsu. They then found him sitting at the park under a tree. "Natsu," Lucy said.

Natsu looked up at her and gave her a death glare, but went wide eyed when he saw Kenko with her.

"What're you doing hanging out with her!? Isn't she suppose to be a threat to us?!" Natsu yelled. "It's ok, she's not gonna kill you anymore," Kenko said smiling.

"What do you mean?" Natsu asked. "I never really told you in the reason why she's going to kill you. She's only doing this because of her parents," Kenko said. "So you're saying that her parents want me dead?" Natsu asked.

"No, I meant that she's doing it for her parents. They've been captured by Zeref for a long time now, and Lucy was sent on a mission to kill you, then once she does, she'll get her parents back," Kenko explained. "Well I'm glad that you're not planning to kill me anymore. But isn't the only way to get your parents is to kill me? What happened?" Natsu asked.

"Kenko suggested that we team up and defeat Zeref and save my parents," Lucy said. "Alright, I'll help you," Natsu said smirking. "And if we defeat Zeref what will happen to his underlings?" Natsu asked. "Apparently, they're all going to be set free and go back to their human lives, including me.... I won't have to be a demon anymore," Lucy said tearing up to the words that she'll be back to normal again.

"We'll get you back to normal Lucy, and we'll save your parents too," Kenko said giving her a hug. "How are we even going to defeat Zeref? He has an army of demons serving him," Natsu said.

"We'll just need a little more of our friends and I'm sure we can defeat him and his demon servants," Lucy said. "So you're going to let all of your secret and my secret pour out?" Natsu asked. "We have to, in order to defeat the enemy," Lucy said.

"Ok then, just give me the first and last names of these friends of yours and I'll be bringing them here," Kenko said. Natsu and Lucy told all their friends names and in a flash, they were all right there in front of them doing the things they were doing before then got teleported.

"What the fuck!" Gajeel cussed. "Hey watch out for profanity," Levy told him.

"How'd we end up here?" Yukino asked. "All remember is that after I showered, I put my robe on and poof I'm here," Gray said irked with his bathrobe on. Juvia squealed. "Gray-sama only has a bathrobe!"

"Do you wear a bathrobe too?" Erza asked to Jellal. "No I just put a towel on," he responded.

Rogue just stood there quiet still trying to process how he got teleported out from his room.

"I'm so sorry to disrupt all of you guys, but we really need your help. I'm Kenko by the way" she said. Natsu, Lucy, and Kenko took awhile to explain everything to their friends, but still managed to finish.

"So you guys are saying that we go fight these demons to save Lucy's parents, especially defeat this Zeref guy, and that the three of you are demons, but good ones," Erza said. "That was a quicker explanation than taking several minutes starting from the start till the end," Kenko said.

"So are you guys with us?" Lucy asked. "Hell yeah!" they all said in unison.


Wow I haven't updated in so long! I missed writing these. Anyways for anyone who are still around, thank you so much, you guys are the real MVP. I don't know when I can update again, but hopefully I don't take too long. Till next time, Jā matane! (^ω^)

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