sexuality & gender part 1

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First years:

~ kageyama ~

- he thought he was gay but realised he's polysexual

- he's Genderfluid but tends to go by he/him usually but sometimes goes by he/her

~ hinata ~

- gay he's also demisexual

- he/him

- he gets really mad when people miss gender any of his friends

~ yamaguchi ~

- pan kageyama low key was their gay awakening

- they use they/them and has anxiety attacks when people miss gender them because they are scared that they'll get bullied again

~ tsukishima ~

- gay he's never been interested in girls he finds them pretty/cute but would never date one

- trans ftm his mum got him his binder the second he came out to her but because he had a growth spirt it only fit him for 2 months so he gave his binder to yachi

~ yachi ~

- only really has been attracted to kiyoko so they are unsure of their sexuality

- they are nonbinary they/then but people miss gender them alot which really pisses off tsuki because he sees yachi as a sibling

Second years:

~ Tanaka ~

- bi but tends to be more attracted to guys (kiyoko being an exception because she's fucking gorgeous)

- trans ftm, his sister was the first person he came out to and she got him, his first binder

- him and ennoshita are saving to get top surgery at very similar times (it took so long for me to remember how to spell surgery 💀)

~ ennoshita ~

- gay and demiromantic

- trans ftm he couldn't afford a binder and his parents are transphobic so he would layer sports bras

- suga was the first person he came out to and suga made sure enno could join the volleyball club

- when ukai found out ennoshita couldn't afford a binder he gave him one of his old ones he didn't wear much because he got the wrong size

~ kinoshita ~

- he identified as aroace because he never really saw himself in a relationship but when he meet Narita he low key had a meltdown because he didn't mind the thought of being with him both sexually and romantically so with help from yamaguchi he found out he was grey sexual and romantic

- uses he/her but same as kageyama tends to just use he/him

~ Narita ~

- pan, but his first real crush/relationship was with kinoshita

- he/him

~ noya ~

- gay he is really open about both his sexuality and gender and is super proud

- trans ftm he uses he/they and has had both top and bottom surgery he has a scar on his arm from his bottom surgery which he says he got because a alien trying to kidnap him

Third years:

~ suga ~

- pan they just love people for who they are

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