relationships part 1

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- they switch

- yamaguchi sometimes wears skirts and kenma loves it

- they cuddle whenever one of them is feeling dysphoric

- kenma is insecure about his eyes but yams loves them and tells kenma how much they love his eyes

- yams doesn't like their freckles and whenever they feel insecure about them kenma sits on their lap and kisses all of their freckles which makes yams blush and feel better

- no one thought they would date but once they found out they where very happy for the couple

- yams calls kenma; ken, Kenken, kitty, kitten, doll, angel, baby, bubs. Kenma acts like he hates pet names but he loves them

- kenma calls yams; yams, yamma, Tadashi, baby, babe, bubba, bubs, angel. Yams loves when kenma uses pet names for them


- yaku tops, noya acts like he's the top but secretly he's a huge bottom

- when noya feels dysphoric yaku makes him some hot chocolate and they cuddle watching SpongeBob

- yaku is secretly the clingy one

- noya is always the bigspoon

- they love showering together sometimes yaku feel self conscious but noya hugs him and says he's perfect

- after noya got his top surgery done and had fully recovered he constantly walks around the house shirtless which makes yaku blush

- yaku calls noya; noya, horny fuck, dork, idiot, baby, dumbass, love, babe. Noya always acts offended but secretly loves being called a idiot. Yaku constantly calls noya his idiot.

- noya calls yaku; shawty, babe, baby, kitty, doll, daddy. Yaku always cringes when noya calls him daddy.


- they have dysphoria cuddles (basically whenever one or both of them feel dysphoric they cuddle all day watching movies and eating snacks)

- tanaka is the top

- ennoshita constantly needs reassurance because he was cheated on alot in the past and whenever he talks to tanka about it tanka cuddles him and whispers  everything he loves about enno while playing with his hair

- before enno got his binder whenever he felt really dysphoric tanaka would hug him and say he's a human binder

- tanaka calls ennoshita; enno, my shit, boothang, babyboy, bubba, bubs, doll,  prince. And ennoshitas favorite is babyboy

- enno calls tanaka; babe.

~ bokuro ~

- they switch but bokuto tops more

- when bokuto is in emo mode kuroo makes them a blanket fort thing and they cuddle and watch movies while drinking hot chocolate and coffee

- bokuto hates the taste of coffee and thinks kuroo is weird for having a addiction to it, sometimes kuroo makes bokuto coffee instead of hot chocolate because his reaction makes his day

- bokuto is really needy but when he's in emo mode he isn't clingy and it makes kuroo sad

- kuroo calls bokuto; bo, kou, baby, and owl

- Bokuto calls kuroo; boo, bubba, babe, and kitten. Kuroo acts like he hates being called kitten but secretly he loves it

~ sakuaka ~

- when sakusa is having a bad day with his germophobiba akaashi makes sure to give him space and will clean the house so sakusa feels more comfortable

- akaashi is really self conscious about his hands and when sakusa found this out he forces akaashi to wash his hands before sakusa holds his hands kissing them

- sometimes sakusa surprises akaashi with kisses because akaashi always asks before kissing him and so when sakusa is having a good day he'll kiss akaashi randomly which akaashi loves

- sakusa feels bad about his phobia and feels like he can't give akaashi the affection he deserves, akaashi just smiles and says he loves sakusa for who he is and that he doesn't mind not getting alot of affection

- sakusa is the clingy one and hates that he can't cuddle into akaashi because of his phobia, when he is in a clingy mood him and akaashi clean the bedroom and have showers and put on masks to cuddle together

- sakusa calls akaashi; kaashi, baby, his germ, keiji. He usally calls akaashi, keiji baby

- kaashi calls sakusa; babe, baby.

~ ukatake ~

- takedas first kiss was in a spin the bottle game and when ukai found out he got super jealous

- ukai went through a fuckboy phase and feels bad for taking so many of takedas first whole takeda took none of his

- in high school ukai went through a depressive episode which is why he smokes, he quit everything else but he still hasn't managed to quit smoking

- takeda is helping ukai quit smoking and for every day he goes without more than two cigarettes he give ukai a sticker which he secretly loves

- takeda doesn't like his glasses but ukai tells him he looks adorable with his glasses on and that he loves them

- ukai gets really jealous and when he does he wraps a arm around takedas shoulder and takeda just smiles and holds his hand

- ukai calls takeda; baby, babe, doll, babyboy, bubba

- takeda doesn't really use pet names for ukai but sometimes he calls him babe or baby which makes ukai blush

~ kiyoyachi ~

- they switch but usally yachi is the bottom

- yachi can get really bad dysphoria and when they do kiyoko  cuddles them until they feel better

- kiyoko is secretly clingy

- kiyoko calls yachi; baby, love,  babe, bubs, angel, doll, bubba. Yachi loves it

- yachi calls kiyoko; beautiful, babe, baby.

Andddd done im back in lockdown so I might update more but probably not:/ I'm getting my first covid jab tomorrow *anxiety* it's gonna be my first jab in like five years-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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