Fouth year chapter 1

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"You're telling me that Orion is the person you two consult when you don't know what to do for a prank?" a voice spoke in disbelief as their eyes stared at the two red haired boys in front of them.

"Yes why is it so hard to believe that this guy right here is legendary" one of the twins spoke at they wrapped their hand around the black haired boy who was currently staring disinterestedly out the window of the moving train.
"His ideas are so brilliant they bring tears to my eyes sometimes" the other replied.

Atlas would never have thought that her up tight brother would even talk to the Weasley twins let alone be the mastermind behind their pranks. She was shocked to the core as this was the same boy who would also refuse to help her with homework form her classes

"I didn't know you had friends Rion?" she joked to her brother who was paying no mind to the conversation unfolding before him, the poor boy just wanted to get to Hogwarts so he could rush to his room and have some peace and quiet for once in his life.

"For your information I would hardly call these numbskulls my friends, I can barely stand their idiocy so I help them from time to time to get them off my back but unfortunately for me it keeps bringing them back" Orion finally spoke and as he did he took the arm that Fred had wrapped around his neck off and continued as he was before.

"Come on Orion don't play so hard to get" Fred laughed out and once again wrapped his arm the Ravenclaw's neck while the boy let out a big sigh but was too tired to try again so he let the red head keep his arm there as he continued to stare out of the window.

Atlas and George laughed at this interaction who knew such different boys could make such an entertaining pair. The conversation between the twins and Atlas continued for a while until she left the three boys alone, although she could tell from her brothers expression that he did not want her to leave him with them.

Atlas walked towards the Slytherin compartment and saw a carriage with only Blaise Zanbini sat inside it, she had left the boy in charge of her stuff before she went out to seek her brother.

"Thanks for looking after my stuff" she told the boy plainly as she walked back into the carriage, this caused the boy to look up from the book with a lazy pair of eyes and give the girl a curt nod and continued to read as she sat down opposite him.

They fell into a silence neither wanting to really talk to the other but were both somewhat comfortable the presence of the other. Both were not quick to make friends with anyone not even people in their own house so in their first year they decided to form some sort of pact where they would do what most friends do without any expectations for the other or any care for one another, they were just two loners trying to make school as easy for themselves as possible.

"Blaise, wake me up when we get to Hogwarts will ya?" Atlas asked as she stretched her legs out across the seats and got herself comfy in order to sleep a while on the train.

"Yeah ok" the boy responded and with that the girl draped her jacket over herself and drifted off into a slumber.

*30 minutes later*

The girl was woken up by a brief shake to the shoulder by Blaise who had his suitcase in hand. The girl groggily rubbed her eyes as she lifted her head off of her makeshift pillow.

"Your brothers here" the boy said as she looked at the carriage door to see the top of Orion head peaking through the little window , Orion pointed at her small suitcase and beckoned for her to come out. With a small mutter of complaint Atlas picked up her bag and made her way out flashing the Slytherin who woke her up a tied lipped smile before walking out.

"The twins drove me mental, I can't believe you left me alone with them" her brother complained as they walked towards the exit of the train.

"Well seemed like you deserved some alone time with them mr hard to get" Atlas joked using the remark Fred had used on her brother earlier, which was not well received by her brother who just rolled his eyes and shoved her with his shoulder.

"Fred is the bane of my existence do not start quoting him otherwise I will no longer welcome you to sit with me at lunch leaving you all by yourself remember that" her brother threatened causing Atlas to pout a bit, pain of being the youngest she thought always getting blackmailed or threatened by your older siblings.

The siblings made it to where the carriages would pick them up and take them into Hogwarts, they heard chatter from all the students around them apparently something had peaked all of their interests.

"Did you see there was this cart in the sky being pulled by hipograff I think"

"Oh yes I also heard there was a ship that emerged from underwater"

"Do you think there might be famous guests coming to Hogwarts this year!!"

"Famous guests at Hogwarts huh as if we don't already have our very own celebrity the boy who lived" Orion spoke with a slight bit of contempt in his voice, now he didn't hate Harry Potter, he just did not appreciate the extra attention or praise he got for sometimes doing the bare minimum.

"Well I don't mind new faces at Hogwarts as long as the attention is not on Potter" Atlas replied with the same amount of contempt for the boy as her brother.

"Oh Atlas nothing will ever take the attention away from the boy who lived" Her brother responded with a deep sigh the attention may still be on Potter, Atlas thought but at least for once this year seemed like it would bring a lot more than the last few and Atlas felt somewhat nervous but excited about it.

A/N Hi guys well here we go with a new story which I'm very excited about and I hope you guys stick with me for this one so enjoy this little beginning chapter and have a fun ride

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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