SoulMates 🥺❤

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MAJOR WARNING: THIS STORY HAS A SAD ENDING. SO READ IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Also the ending might look unrealistic. But it is how it is.


Abhi looks out of his car window enjoying the view of the evening sky. He was coming to India after almost 2 years. Suddenly the driver stops the car.

"Why did you stop the car?" Abhi asks politely.

"Sir, a girl came in front of our car. Now she is shouting. "


"No Sir."

"Okay let me go and handle this."

Abhi comes out the car and sees a girl shouting at the top of her voice.

"Are you blind. How dare you hit my CAR".

"My car didn't hit yours. Stop shouting and leave my way. I have to go"

"Then where did this scratch on my car come from."

"I don't know. But it isn't because of my car. Now just go and let my car go"

"Oh hello mister, I am not letting you go until you pay me."

"Are you MAD. I am not going to pay you."

"Let me call the police then"

"Stop it Bulbul", another girl shouts who comes running seeing Abhi and Bulbul fighting.

"I am sorry for her behavior. There is a misunderstanding. Please forgive her. You can go",

"Shut up di. He is the one who did it." "You shut up and come with me"

The girl just smiles at Abhi and drags Bulbul with her.

'Beautiful and Mature' thought Abhi as he looks at their car going.


The next day, Abhi goes to his father's office. A girl comes running and collides with him. "Sorry Sorry, I am in hurry.", says the girl . Abhi looks at her only to find out that she was the same girl who had saved him from the crazy girl a day before.

The girl rushes from there. Abhi smiles and moves to his Dad's cabin. "Good morning dad"

"Good morning my son. Today is your first day at the office. I have talked to the head of training department, she has hired an assistant for you. She will help you. " "Okay Dad"

Abhi was sitting in his cabin when a girl knocks at the door. "May I come in Sir" Asks the girl politely.

"Yeah come in" Abhi looks up only to find the same girl who had bumped into him in the Morning. "You!!!! Here" Abhi asks surprised. "Sir I am hired as your assistant"

"Hmm. Interesting. So what's your name Miss Beautiful. "

"Pragya!! Pragya Arora. I am Pragya Arora"

"Hey Pragya relax. Why are you so nervous", Abhi asks with a smile.

" I am sorry for my sister's behavior yesterday. She is so stupid. She doesn't even know what she needs to speak and what she should not. I am sorry"

"Miss Pragya Arora. Have this water .And take a deep breath. It's okay. It was a misunderstanding. I forgive your sister"

Pragya sighs and whispers 'Thank you god for saving my job'

Her whisper was loud enough to be heard by Abhi. Abhi chuckles loudly. And Pragya gets embarrassed yet again.

"Lets Start the work miss Beautiful". Pragya nods and starts telling him about the work.

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