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    Time is too urgent, Yuan Shan has no time to carefully ponder the wording.

    She just followed her own mind, without thinking about it, she directly uttered the phrase "I need you very much now."

    She really needs Bai Yan very much now, she needs to rely on Bai Yan to do the task to obtain health points for Yuan's mother.

    And it must be done twice.

    According to Yuan Shan's previous experience, she found that every time the love system issued a task, it was after Bai Yan appeared near her.

    So, can she understand that the task can be triggered as soon as Bai Yan appears?

    But every time she met Bai Yan before, the system only issued one mission.

    One is not enough.

    She calmly asked the system, "How can the task be triggered multiple times." The

    love system said sweetly, "Girl, as long as you interact with the school grass a lot, the task will naturally be triggered."

    Yuan Shan took a deep breath, "Okay."

    She grabbed Yuan Zichen's wrist and said, "Go, let's set off now."

    Yuan Zichen was obviously not in the state yet, and he said with a look of despair, " haven't eaten yet, Dad said, you can't be hungry."

    Yuan Kindness was helpless, sad, funny, and moved for a while.

    She knew that her father's intention was to make her not worry, so she hoped that she would eat, do homework, take a bath, and then sleep as usual.

    Life is not affected, so he specifically told Yuan Zichen not to tell her anything.

    However, they are a whole. Their home is a whole.

    No one can do without.

    "Mom is still in the operating room for rescue. How can I still be in the mood to eat now?" At

    this time, Yuan Shan's phone vibrated.

    It's from Bai Yan's WeChat.

    [Good. 】

    He did not ask anything, so he agreed directly.

    Three seconds later, the other side sent another WeChat message.

    [Arrive within ten minutes. ]

    Yuan Shan sent a thank you.

    It may be that Yuan Shan was calmly affected throughout the process, and Yuan Zichen finally calmed down a little bit.

    "I asked the driver to take us there."

    Yuan Shan had no objection to this, and she hummed.

    Yuan Zichen's mood was ups and downs, and it was not safe to drive, so it is safest to ask the driver to send them off.

    When they went downstairs, the driver was already waiting downstairs.

    After Yuan Shan got in the car, he kept communicating with the love system in his mind.

    "Can you know the situation in the operating room in real time?"

    [Love system: girl, yes . ]

    Yuan Shan breathed a sigh of relief. I have always dismissed the love system as useless before, but now it seems that it is quite useful at critical times.

When The School Girl Got Binds In The Love System (MTL) ✓Where stories live. Discover now