Morning se♓︎ with the virgin boyfriend Adrian x Keagan

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Adrian POV

I pierce my eyes open, grabbing for my phone on the night stand to check the time. 10:30. I try to get up, but as I do I realize Keagan's grip holding me back.

" Keagan " I say. He groans in return and pulls my body closer. Suddenly I feel something slightly probing my bum. I try figure out what it was, so I reach my hand behind me and grab the hard thing and I receive a low growl from Keagan.

" Adrian " Keagan growls slightly, " Keep doing that". My eyes widen and I pull my hand away.

" Keagan!! " His eyes slowly open and stare into mine. " W-What is in your pants? " I ask.

" My, My, little innocent Adrian. Its morning wood I guess " He says with a smirk and holds my chin. ( Still laying behind me, for you all! )

" Morning wood? " I ask still kinda confused. He sighs and I look at him turning my head almost breaking my neck, than he decides to turn me around. " Adrian, what am I going to do with you? " He smirks and rest his hand on my bum gently, as he does I feel many new feelings rushing through my body. " Why do I feel tingly and weird " I ask. " Because your enjoying this " Keagan replies and squeezes my bum gently.

Out of no where my mouth opens to let out a moan. I cover my mouth as my eyes widen. " Oh god " I say. Keagan pulls my hands down and stares into my eyes, " Its normal " I nod and he continues to squeeze my butt for a few minutes.

" Also you have a very nice bubble butt " He remarks I couldn't help but blush and say thanks. He repositions me so I'm laying on my back and he's hovering above me.

" Whats happening? " I look up at him. " You'll find out mkay?" I nod in response and wait for him.

He pulls down the covers from our bodies and starts to do the same with my pants, as he does I quickly cover my crotch before he could pull them down. " H-Hey! " I yell. " Don't worry honey~ " His deep, low voice comforts me and I nod.

He pulls off my pants along with my boxers, I let him continue. He looks at my harden shaft, as I do too.

" Why is it like that? " I asked.

" Haven't you learned about this in school?" Keagan looked at me.

" My mom always wanted me to stay as the innocent kid, so she forbid me from going to school. She taught me the basics like, Math;Science;History;English " I reply and softly pout.

" Well, I'll make your first time the best mkay? " He says and I nod, although I don't know what he means by "first time".

His hands rub up and down my body he pushed his hand under my shirt, and gently circling my nipples. I arch my back at this new feeling.

" w-what is this feeling " I ask. He crawled to my face and looked at me.

" Is it uncomfortable? Ill stop " he questioned me, I shook my head. " N-No continue " I pleaded.

He started taking off my shirt placing hot open mouth kisses on my neck, I rest my hands on his chest and softly moan. He starts trailing kisses down my body until he reaches my v-line. He looks up at me and I look at him, in my eyes he knew I was giving him permission so he started to push a finger in my entrance.

" O-Ow! " I wince and tremble at the pain, he snakes his hand up the bed to grab my hand. " Squeeze when it hurts okay, I promise it'll feel better" I nod as he reassures me I intertwine our fingers and close my eyes.

He starts to push his finger in further, I squeeze his hand and let out a quiet cry of pain. He looks up at me and keeps moving his finger, Keagan adds another and suddenly I'm flushed with a hot pleasurable feeling, As I'm being flushed I hear a loud moan and realize it was from me. I quickly cover my mouth.

" Don't cover your sounds, please " He says. I uncover my mouth as he starts moving his fingers again. I moan. He continues this for a few minutes to make sure I am fully prepped.

" Your ready " He calls. " For what? " I ask as he sits up and spreads my legs, gripping the back my knees and holding them out.

" Ready for what Keagan? " I ask but with more of a voice that is pleading for an answer, As I do he pushes his hard length inside me and I gasp and cry out.

" O-Ow!!"

" I'll go slow okay? " I nod and pull him down on my chest, holding the back of his neck as he slowly thrust I let out soft noises. " You c-can speed up " I tell him, he shakes his head " No I want you to enjoy it, I don't want to hurt you okay? ". " Ill be fine just do it " I reassure him, and he starts speeding up his thrust, stuffing his face into my neck as he does. Earning pleasurable moans from me with each thrust.

He nibbles on my ear and whispers kind words, telling me that I'm enough as he thrust faster, he continues this for a few more minutes.
" Im close " Keagan growls. I feel something tighten in my stomach, clenching around Keagan's member earning a low grumble. " W-Whats happening?! " I scream out pleasure fully, tilting my head back, arching my back and curling my toes as Keagan thrust I spill white fluid on my stomach.

I grab onto him tightly " W-Whats wrong with me? " I hold him tightly. " Nothings wrong, its an orgasm sweet cheeks " Keagan smirks and thrust in and out slowly. " O-Oh okay! " I stare him in the eyes as he speeds up his thrust, I moan out loud.

" F-Fuck im going to!!" He groans loudly and comes deep inside me, I gasp and grip him slightly shivering from the feeling of the warm fluid inside me.

He lays on top of me and pulls out of me slowly, we both lay there catching our breaths. " So how was your first time? " Keagan ask

" Maybe something to remember " I softly chuckle and wrap my arms around his neck kissing him on the lips before falling asleep on his chest....

—————- Well Hello! —————-

Im a new writer, I'm not new to Watt-pad but I have finally decided to write a book.
I have many books in draft but I realized that I can't write a story and have that flow, until I sort out some stuff.

But to keep this short bc yall prob bored af. I decided to do smut bc I realized that I can go into detail alot, which is weird but I hope ya'll enjoyed!

~~~~~~ Adrian your Author

( Also this was not about me, Ik the name was Adrian but its not me ( I wish )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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