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 You wake up to the alarm buzzing... is it really 6am, surely there must be some sort of mistake. You roll over hitting the snooze button and looking at the time. 6:01am the clock read, you roll over with a sigh knowing you will need to get up soon or you will be late for work. The alarm buzzes again so you turn it off and roll out of bed. You take a shower and get dressed in a smart grey suit and cream top, brush your hair deciding today you would leave it down even though you knew by lunchtime it would be tied up. Heading to the kitchen you make some breakfast and grab a coffee. You grab your bag, throw a hair tie into it along with your phone and keys, slip on some comfortable shoes and head out of the door. It's a cool, crisp morning and your glad you have your blazer on otherwise you would be so cold by the time you arrived at work. You enjoy walking to work as the streets are quiet and it gives you a chance to breathe in the fresh air you don't get while sat in the office for most of the day. After a while you arrive at your office building and walk into the lobby. The receptionist greets you and you return the gesture. Scanning your ID card you pass through security and head towards the lift, pressing the button to call it. The doors slide open and you step inside, just as the door start to close you hear a voice shout

'Hold the doors'

You quickly hit the button to stop the doors closing and they retract.

'Thanks' says a voice as someone rushes through the doors before they close again. You look up and see one of your colleagues, EuJin smiling at you out of breath. He was a colleague you had worked alongside for a while before he moved departments. He was fairly tall with a slim build, always looked smart in his tailored suits and was actually quite handsome with lovely eyes and a very cute nose which you had actually bopped a few times just to tease him.

'Morning oppa' you say smiling back

'Morning' he replies 'I thought I was going to be late'

'Late?' you ask confused 'It's 7.45, how would you be late?'

'7.45?' he says looking at you completely puzzled

'Yes, 7.45. You still have lots of time before you are late' you say smiling and trying not to laugh at the confused state of his face.

'When I get home I'm going to kill hyung, he woke me up this morning telling me it was 7.45 and that I was going to be late for work so I threw on so some clothes and ran out the door. I've not even had breakfast.'

You giggle as you have met Eujin's brother before and he is a bit of a character and it sounds like something he would definitely do to his brother. You reach into your bag and pull out a blueberry muffin you were planning on having later.

'Here, have this' you say offering him the muffin 'You need to eat something before you start work'

EuJin smiles at you with his brown eyes as he takes the muffin from you.

'Thank you so much, I'll repay you by buying you lunch' he said with a charming smile

'That's not necessary, I'm happy to help my friends' you reply

'No, I will repay you for your kindness, you always help me when I need it and never accept anything back in return' he said with an authoritative tone

'If you must' you sigh while smiling 'but I don't help my friends to get something back in return I help them because they are my friends and they need it'

 Before either of you can say any more the doors open on your floor. EuJin holds his hand out to gesture for you to leave the elevator first, you smile at him and walk through the doors and he follows behind. You head to the left where your department is and EuJin goes right, you both turn to look at each other as you walk your separate ways and give each other a friendly smile. You get to your department and realise your department head is already in which comes as a surprise as he is usually one of the last to arrive. You head to your desk and switch your computer on.  

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