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At Grace Field you had always been a preferred taste. You were snarky, blunt, cheesy, rude, harsh, you name it.

Emma being the little sunshine she is had always liked you, because I mean, who does she not like? Ray however, well, lets just say if he had the option to sacrifice anyone in the fire it would've been you.

Norman was nice to you because Emma liked you of course, but couldn't honestly say you were exactly his best friend either.

You acted a bit like Thoma and Lannion, always pulling pranks and making mischief, and honestly even some of the younger ones like Anna and Nat thought of you as a little sister!

Honestly Ray found it a miracle that you hadn't been shipped yet, seeing as you were just turning 11 and still scoring an average of 200-220. Since you were older it took a while to get to your name but Isabella assured him that you were going to get shipped out in a couple months so he could stop complaining.

One of the others had just been shipped out, so he was a bit disappointed that he would have to deal with you for another 2 months, but he would prevail. At least, these were his thoughts until one day playing tag took quite a turn on your personality.


I open my eyes blearily to see several blurry faces staring at me. I blink a couple times before seeing the outlines form into faces.

My heart almost stops with what I see.










I look down at my hands and see the classic anime outline, my clothes matching the white uniforms of the kids beside me.

I'm... in an anime?!?!!?

I see Emma's face shift to relief as she seems to realize I'm awake. She crushes me with a hug as she exclaims my name.

"(y/n)! I'm so glad you woke up, we were all so worried when you got hit from that stray branch playing tag and Mama said that you'd be fine but we didn't know 'cause you were asleep for a super long time and Ray said-" Her face furrows as she stops.

"(y/n)? What's wrong? Usually you would've made some sort of comment by now..." I immediately feel my brain go into overdrive. I can either pretend to remember everything which won't be too hard since I've watched the anime and stuff, but if there's inconsistencies in our memory or I act differently than before it could be trouble.

Plus it seems like I was hit in the head, so if I pretend to not remember anything it won't be super far fetched... Emma continues to stare at me when finally I come to a decision.

"Um, I'm sorry but I don't know who you are.." I fade off in surprise at the soft, shy sort of voice I have here. I blush at how weird I sound thinking that everyone is probably disappointed at losing their friend and getting some weirdo..

But I don't think this is just some random character from the show, because I clearly remember Emma calling me (y/n), which is weird. They also seem to have previous memories of me even though I've never been here before, but I can't see any characters missing.

Emma looks at me in surprise.

"Ehh? Whaddya mean (y/n), it's me, Emma!" I cock my head curiously at the continuous use of my real name. I still don't know how they know it, but then again, I'm stuck in an anime, so it looks like I have bigger problems on my hands.

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