Rays of Romance (William Murdoch)

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The rays of the rising sun crept through the small cracks and crevices of the wooden walls. Giving the small room both warmth and beauty. She sat with her back just a few small inches from the wall, but she rested her side upon it. A few inches in front of her, sat an older boy. The color of his clothes clashing with both the light and the dark of the room. Their eyes were lock with each other. Her light brown hair flowed down in beautiful locks, messy to perfection. Her skin seemed to glow from the rays of the sunrise that happened to fall upon her. Her brown eyes matched perfectly with the rays of yellow and orange, as if the surrounding room was a fall scenery. His eyes were blue like the ocean, which holds cold water that gives a warm and loving touch. His own light brown hair is covered by his usual worn hat. The hat of an officer who works not law, but rather, sea. The song of the chirping birds fluttered their way through the same cracks and crevices as the continuing rising sun. The boy finally called upon his body to move, as he held his hand out. He dared not move an inch while he waited for hers. When their hands met, there was a feeling of warmth, even as the boy brushed a gentle kiss upon her hand. With no words, she lifted her body to be sitting up right and closer. Not letting go of her hand, nor looking away from her eyes, he used a second hand to gently brush through her hair. Her empty hand now seated on his leg but moved up to gently rest by his shoulder. Their warm, sweet breath clashing together. When their eyes finally closed, the moment was finally born as their lips finally touched and what seemed like a spark was lightened. The moment seemed endless. Only when the lips parted, and the moment passed on, did another start up again, along with another spark that followed in the footsteps of the one that came before it. It was a moment that would grow into a passion as it gathered the warmth of the sunrise, but would still burn bright and warm in the darkest hours of the night as it did during the brightest hours of the day. It was a passion born like the rays of the newly rising sun.

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