After Midnight on F-Deck

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Frederick Fleet, a 24 year old lookout on Titanic, awoke in his bunk in the Crew's Quarters on E-Deck. Some of his other crew comrades were asleep. Looking at the bunk across from his, and with eyes already adjusting to the dark, Frederick saw his friend, Reginald Lee, well fast asleep. Frederick didn't really know what had stirred him awake, but he then proceeded to turn over and go back to sleep, but something then told him to wake up. Turning back over to the open side of the bunk, he sat up. There was something that was compelling him to get up out of bed. He had no idea what time it was, but his instincts told him that it was still dark outside. There was a voice in his head that told him to get out of bed. Something told Frederick to head to the pool, which was at the forward end of F-Deck. His mind told him to move his legs and take careful steps, as not to wake the others in the room. Reaching the door, he slowly and quietly opened it, moved to the other side, and once again, slowly and quietly closed it. Making his way down what's known as Scotland Road, which is where the Crew's Quarters was, he made his way to the staircase, but not the Grand Staircase since that ended on E-Deck, but there was a normal staircase that led to F-Deck. Fumbling around in the dark, Frederick went up to the Boat Deck level of the Grand Staircase, which would lead to an entryway to the second class stairwell, which then leads to F-Deck. Frederick didn't really know how he knew the way. When going down to F-Deck in the past, he usually takes a different route. But tonight... his mind led him another way. Making his way down the staircase, he searched around until he found the swimming pool. Entering the room, he was met with the warm temperature and the smell of chlorine. The water in the pool glowed somewhat green along with a small bit of blue from the underwater lights. Getting down on his knees, he looks down into the water. There was no one or anything in the water, or in the room. Frederick was the only soul present. But then if that was so, then what told his mind to make him venture down here in the middle of the night? Using this pointer and middle finger, Frederick dipped his two fingers into the water: it was warm. Lifting his fingers out of the water, he looks around. "What was the point of all this?" Frederick asked himself. For no real reason, he stuck his hand in the warm water. He couldn't see his reflection in the water, but that was a normal thing as swimming pools don't reflect well because the water is usually moving somehow, as well as the change in the water clarity and the fact that light is not always the best for causing reflections. Looking over his shoulder, he casts his eyes towards the door: just like before, there was no one there. Turning back, he went to pull his hand out. He figured it was time to head back to bed, since there was nothing important here. But something stopped him... he couldn't pull his hand out of the water... Instead, there was something in the water pulling him. At the bottom of the pool, he saw something black. It wasn't any kind of shadow or dirt. The whole pool was clean as could be... so what was this black thing? Was it some kind of strange, unnatural goo?It somewhat felt like goo: it was cold and sticky. But on the other hand, it felt like there was another hand grabbing his own and pulling him. The blackness went up and stopped at his wrist before Frederick was pulled head first into the water. Falling into the pool, he fought to go to the surface. Whatever had pulled him into the water was now trying to what appeared to be drowning Frederick. Everytime he would manage to get his head out of the water, he would only get a moment for air before being pulled back down. The blackness that had grabbed him by the wrist was now tightly grabbing his ankle. At Frederick's height, he would be able to touch the bottom of the deep end of the pool. Even if this wasn't the case, the deep end wasn't that deep for him to drown in it. It was only about 5 ½ feet. The only way one were to drown was if they were not to come back up to the surface, but that's not usually what people do in a pool. They may go under to see how long they can hold their breath for, but they would always come back up. Frederick struggled to get free. Getting a chance to get air once again, he gasps, only to be pulled down and suck in some water, which caused him to cough as he struggled and fought to keep his head up. He shouts for help. "Reginald! Mr. Andrews! Captain Smith! Someone! Anyone! Help!" He shouted before getting pulled back under, with more pool water getting sucked into his airways again, which then went into his lungs. Now underwater, Frederick continued to struggle and fight to get to the surface, as anyone who would be drowning would do in the situation. Barely getting his head above the water, he tried his best to breathe for air and to call for help before more water entered his airway and into his lungs. "*Gasp* Help!-" Not having much breath in him, Frederick opens his mouth but misses his chance for air, only to get a large amount of water in return. With his lungs painfully screaming out for air, Frederick's strength weakens as his vision starts to fade. Although underwater, he made one last muffled cry for help. Drowning with no one around to hear his cries and come to his rescue, Frederick's vision slowly grew completely dark, as he finally fully drowned in the water of Titanic's pool on F-Deck. A moment later, Frederick Fleet woke up with a large gasp, and a breathless call for help... only to find he was still in his bed during the middle of the night, or more like 4 in the morning. The bedside lamp besides Reginald's bunk was on. "Woah... you okay, Fred?" Lee asked. "Yeah..." Frederick replied as he rubbed his eyes. "Time for lookout duty. Symons and Jewell just turned in for the night. We better hurry." Lee said. "Alright." On Titanic, there were six lookouts, all grouped into pairs of two for lookout duty. The schedule goes as follows:

Alfred Evans and George Hoggs go on duty between Midnight-2am, 6am-8am, noon-2pm, and 6pm-8pm.
George Symons and Archie Jewell go on duty between 2am-4am, 8am-10am, 2pm-4pm, and 8pm-10pm.
Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee go on duty between 4am-6am, 10am-noon, 4pm-6pm, and 10pm-midnight.

"Rough sleep?" Regianld asked, waiting until his friend got dressed. "Somewhat. But it was just a nightmare." Frederick replied, or more so whispered, trying not to wake the others. "Let's talk when we're out of the room. I don't want to come close to waking the others in the room." After fully getting dressed in his uniform, the two left for their two hour shift in the Crow's Nest. While walking down the corridors, Frederick told Reginald what he remembered, which was basically everything. He remembered how real it felt. It still felt strange that it all turned out to be a dream... he never remembered ever having a dream like that in the past. It was something he found himself thinking about while sitting up in the Crow's Nest. It was hard to get it out of his mind, and God knows he tried. After lookout duty, Fleet and Lee headed back down to E-Dack as Evans and and Hoggs took their place. Getting back to the Crew's Quarters, Fleet and Lee change back into their pajamas and settle back down into their bunk to get some more rest.

Frederick Fleet, a 24 year old lookout on Titanic, had suddenly stirred awake in the middle of the night. All the others in the room were fast asleep. Within the silence and darkness of the night, there was something compelling him, but he didn't know what the source of it was,mj but it told him whatever he was after was at the pool on F-Deck. Sitting up on one of the bottom bunks in the Crew's Quarters, he watches as his eyes adjust to the darkness before throwing his legs over the open side and standing up. Making his way out of the room, Frederick Fleet begins to venture down to the pool... on F-Deck...

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