Once Upon A Brawl- Update Predictions

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Hello friends. 

Another 3ish months, another update. 

This time it is called "Once Upon A Brawl." 

The way this will work is I will divide different topics into different sections. 

Anyway, lets get into this!

Brawl Talk length and speculations- 

~The Brawl Talk is 4 minutes and 56 seconds long, which is actually pretty long considering the fact that updates around this time are usually smaller, based on the fact that during this time of year the main game developers are required to take a vacation. 

~Last year the Brawl Talk was only like two minutes, not counting the Investor Video. 

~I don't think we will have a repeat of the Investor Video since the length of the video wouldn't be long enough. However, there is a possibility. 

~If something big doesn't happen during Brawl Talk then something might happen on "WKBRL- The Voice That Hears You."

Brawler Concepts-

~This season, I believe we will be getting two new Brawlers. In the past when we have had longer Brawl Talks, we usually get more then one Brawler. 

Brawler Concept #1-

"After scaring away the park guests by being able to turn into a dragon, Ash was demoted from her job as being the high and mighty beast to something less impressive... a princess locked in a tower."

For her main attack she cries for help, damaging all enemies around her for 700 health per shot, 1200 at max level. 

During her super (Fire Dragon!), she is collected into a massive ball of fire and will resort back to her true form, a dragon. Her super lasts for 10 seconds and once someone hits her, 50% of the damage will ricochet from her and onto the enemy.

Gadget (Shield of Fire)- Once activating her gadget you won't take any damage inside of your super, but your opponent will still get damage done to them. Charges per match: 3.

Star Power (Need a healer?)- Now, a circle will come around Ash during her super. Once an enemy Brawler attacks, she will heal 25% of her health, and so will her teammates. Damage is done to enemies as usual.  

She would be a legendary Brawler.

Why do I think this? Well, during one of the images Brawl Stars tweeted, there was a trash can and it was obviously supposed to say "Trash" but the T and R were covered leaving only the "Ash" part. KairosTim also mentioned dragons so.. (more on him in a different chapter.)

Brawler Concept #2-

"For years on end, Kairos had trash thrown on him despite being one of the main attractions at Starr Park's Magical Kingdom. Well, he decided to embrace it, shedding his identity of "Sir Kairos" to "The Trash Knight." A knight made solely from garbage. Repair, Reuse, Recycle!"

For his main attack, he moves forward a bit (think Mortis) and cuts with his sword 3 times per attack (700 damage the first, 500 the second, 300 the third.) Up each by 300 for his max level. 

His super (A Knight in Shining Armor) he slices through enemies, knocking them back and stunning them for 5 seconds unless someone else attacks (think Sandy's second gadget.)

Gadget (Trash Hauler)- He summons the trash from around him and directs it at an enemy causing them to lose all ammo and for the next couple attacks the ammo will reload slower. Charges per match: 3.

Star Power (Repair, Reuse, Recycle!) The last enemy Kairos (or the Trash Knight) killed will then give him their attack. For example, if he kills Amber he will be able to shoot her attack until he kills a Tara and then he will be able to shoot her attack. 

He is the Chromatic Brawler of the season 8 Brawl Pass. 

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