School Day

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I woke up, Jake's slight breathing beside me. I heard birds chirping and the sun was flashing its bright beams of light into my face. I looked up, Jake was fast asleep. I grabbed my phone, checking the time. 6:03, right on time. I sat up, keeping my hand intertwined with Jake's, he started to shift to his side, rolling away from me, so I let go. I laid back down, putting my arm around him. I snuggled my face into the back of his hair, smiling with my eyes closed.

"Hey." He said, his voice raspy and deep. "You awake?"

"Yeah, just woke up." I replied, my voice a little less deep and raspy.

"I need coffee, where am I?" He asked.

"The dock, in the woods." I commented, sitting up and kissing his cheek. He looked over, smiling at me.

"By the way, good morning sunshine." His voice was so smooth now, as he sat up to kiss my jawline in return. "How did you sleep?"

"Amazing, especially with you here." I smiled brightly, looking him in his eyes. My hands reached towards his, as I pulled him into a tight hug, I whispered in his ear. "We should get going, first day of school you know."

"Shit!" He yelled, letting go of me and standing up. "All my stiff is at my house, I'm so fucked when I get there to grab it. What time is it?"

"Six in the morning." I exclaimed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah yeah, fine, I'm fine. I'll be okay, I'll just, like, die when my parents ind out where I was, that's all, conservative Christians, ugh I'm so dead."

"Hey, hey, look at me, I can help you sneak in. You live right across the street, right? In the light blue house?" I asked him, looking him in the eyes while I stood up.

"Yeah, how do you know a way in?" He asked me, looking slightly confused.

"My old best friend used to live there, before he.. uhh. Before he died." I looked at the ground, a saddening feeling striking my heart.

"I'm so sorry bubs, it'll be okay. I'm here." He smiled weakly, grabbing my face, lifting it up and pulling me into a shirt kiss. "But I really need to go, so, can you help me? I need to get my stuff."

"Yeah, sure. I can do that." I faked a smile, looking at him. I grabbed his hand as he walked away, walking with him along the path.

We walked for a few minutes in silence, holding hands. Before we reached the path, he stopped, let go of my hand, and stepped in front of me, grabbing my shoulders.

"Hey, so, I know you might not like this, but can we not tell anyone about us? Please? I want to be able to come out on my own terms." His voice was a little quiet and off-put. He looked me in the eyes, silently pleading I'd agree.

"Of course babe, why would I go against you like that?" I said to him. His faced was shocked, and his eyes went wide. "Is there.. something wrong?"

"No, not at all, I was just surprised you'd call me babe on day one to be honest." His smile grew back, and his eyes hardened. "Help me break into my own house now."

"Alrighty." I said, kissing his cheek once again.

We walked through the woods for a minute more, and hit the pavement. The house across the street was tall, three stories. The chipping old paint and the rusted metal window frames needed a little bit of work, but it was a beautiful house.

We walked across the road, watching for incoming traffic. The side of the house is where I walked first. He followed as I climbed a tree, and jumped a foot or two from the curving branch to the roof of the shed right next to the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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