Chapter 4 Coffee

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Later that day

I'm working at Starbucks and the last customer comes in. I start to clean up since I have the night shift. I wonder if Robert is going to show up. If he doesn't it doesn't really matter but I hope he does.

As soon as the last person leaves, I look up to see him walk in. "I thought you were busy but I'm glad you came!" I say and laugh a little. "I was waiting until your last customer to come in. Oh and if you don't mind I'll have my usual. Iced grande soy latte." "Coming right up, sir!"

We end up talking for hours about random things. Our favorite hobbies, likes&dislikes, turn offs&turn ons, and movies/ tv shows. I realized that we had a lot in common with music and our love for movies. He also is really thoughtful and down-to-earth which is great. I also found out he's super smart and was in the acting business not too long ago. Things just get better and better with him.

I think it was midnight when we finished talking. "Ava, if you don't mind me calling you that, I loved talking to you today! It was amazing talking to you and the amount of things we have in common. Damn where have you been? I've never met anyone like you." I literally died on the inside when I heard that but I played it off cool. "Same here! Well goodnight Mr.Downey." "You can call me Robert outside of school. Goodnight, Ava"

He leans in close and brushes my hand. I can feel the heat from his body radiating towards me. I step backwards toward the counter. He's about an 1 inch away from me and our lips almost touch. I swear he's like a werewolf. How can somebody be so warm?When I feel his minty, fresh breath on my neck, and I'm holding on to resist the temptation to kiss him. "See you tomorrow, Miss Brandon."

He then turns around and leaves. I'm left standing there sexually aroused and seduced. If he wants to play this game, I'll show him what I can do.


I get home from the exciting events that just happened. I run them through my head and list them out. I'm such a nerd!

1. Robert and I got to know each other

2. We had alot of fun

3. I haven't been on a date in a long ass time

4. We just had this really sexual moment where he was like in 1 inch away from my face!!!!

I go through the events over and over. How could this happen and why did I let it happen. He's my fucking teacher and I barely even know him. I can't like him or can I? Robert could lose his job because of me. He could even go to jail for teacher and student relationships but I'm legal. I'm 18, I can date him if I wanted too. This is too complicated for my head I need to talk to someone.

I decide to text Camille and see if she could come over. My parents were out of the country and they wouldn't be back until next month I had the house to myself. Yeah I know for a month vacation that's really long. My parents are kinda rich as everybody says. My parents are the owners of Google and yeah you know the search engine you use everyday to look up random shit. They own the whole company and me being their only child they got everything for me. There was many things that they got me but that didn't keep me from bad influences.

I hear the door bell ring "ding dong" and Camille is standing at the door. She has pizza, beef jerky, chips, frozen yogurt with popping boba, and a gallon of sweet tea. "Hey Camille!!! I can't believe you brought all this junk food! We're going to weigh like 700,000 pounds afterwards! You know me to well!!" She laughs and give me that look. 'I have known you since Pre-K do you not think I know you look'. "Of course I know you to well! We have known each other forever! Now let me in this food is getting heavy and I wanna watch Scandal or Doctor Who!" "Okay, okay silly come on in!"

Camille and I talked for hours and I filled her in what recently happened. From what I could tell her head was like gears in they were working really hard. She knew that I like him from what I told her. She wasn't surprised either because of the way I looked at him. "So are you guys dating?" She asks with a smirk. "Fuck no! He's my teacher I couldn't date him or could I?" "Yes you could, if you guys love each other enough to take the risk then why not go for it?! " She replies with a satisfied grin with her answer. "I barely know him and what we only have like 5 months left of school?" "That's enough time to get to know him and tell him about certain things." Hopefully she was right about everything because I haven't opened up to anyone awhile because of him. I need to do this!

Dun dun dun~

omg what just happened here??

Robert just seduced Ava!!

Insane ikr jk jk

things will start to get hot soon😉

Btw my name is Angela so I'm gonna call you guys my "Angels"

Cheesy but I like it unless you guy can think of anything else comment!

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