Shower [SMUT]

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You get off the bed. "Babe where are you going?" JJ whines. You run to the shower and turn it on.

JJ pushes you in the shower. You pull him in with you. With you both completely naked.

He pushes you against his waist. He has you pinned to the wall.

JJ runs his hand down your body to your waist, pulling yours against his.

You feel shock as you feel the tip of his manhood touch you. He kisses you, licking you lip asking for permission.

You let him and he picks you up. You wrap your legs around you.

He holds you with one arm while the other explores your woman hood.

While kissing him, you let out a few moans. "JJ, fuck." you say.

He inserts a finger and goes slow. "Why are you so good." you say moaning.

He then puts in another finger going even faster. Your body starts to tighten. But he slows back down, continuing his pace.

you lower your hand, pumping his manhood. Once your stop, he stops asking you.

"have you been taking the pill?" he asks you. You nod. "are you sure?" he asks.

you nod, saying "i swear if you don't fuck me." he laughs and slowly rubs his tip.

He thrusts into you slowly. You pull on his hair, moaning. "faster.." you say quietly. He thrusts faster.

You begin to pull his and your hair. The water begins to get cold and you begin to shiver. "Shit. thats cold" you say shaking.

"Is the water making you shake? or was that me" JJ says laughing. You smack him lightly. You guys both decide to get out.

You wrap yourself in a towel, JJ brings you one of his hoodies. You put it on and go lay in bed. He puts on boxers and goes and cuddles with you.

A/N: hey guys! this was my first smut ever! i'm sorry if this is bad, i apologize!

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