~Jealousy~ KyoHaba Angst/Fluff 💔☁️

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•Warnings• Just a little bit of angst not much but this is my first attempt at angst so 🥲.

/// Summary ///
Kyotani has been hanging out with Iwazumi a lot and Yahaba is getting jealous because he thinks he likes him, but really he's just asking Iwa advice for asking Yahaba out.

•Yahaba's P.O.V•

Kyotani has been hanging out with Iwazumi a lot and it's making me mad... I think he likes him.

I wanna ask him out but I know he'll reject me and he obviously likes Iwazumi.

W-why can't I be more like Iwazumi, Yahaba thinks. Thoughts getting blurred by jealousy.

•Kyotani's P.O.V•

I hate hate hate hate hate ( right when I was about to write crush, the song Crush from Tessa Violet cam on...WHAT A COINCIDENCE- anyways back to the story) having a crush. Yes I have a crush and I hate it because it feels weird when I'm around him.

I wanna ask him out but I don't know if he likes boys...

Yahaba he's the one I have a crush on, well it's more than a crush.. I think I love him.

I'm asking Iwazumi for help and I've been kinda avoiding Yahaba because I'm scared that I'll just blabber and tell him I like him.

•3rd person P.O.V•

Aoba Josiah was at practice.

Yahaba was practicing sets while Kyotani was getting lessons from Iwazumi on how to spike better.

"Why is he always with him, tch" Yahaba thought as he shook his head.

"NICE KYOTANI!" Iwazumi gave him a high-five for the crazy cut shot he did.

"Why can't I set for him and praise him for doing good..." Jealousy was getting the best of Yahaba.

Yahaba leaves the gym leaving everyone confused.

"Why did Haba-Kun leave?" Iwazumi shrugged at Oikawa.

///////////////////With Yahaba/////////////////

Yahaba was sitting under a blossom tree thinking.

•Yahaba's P.O.V•

Am I just not good enough? Do I have to be stronger? Better looking? Better at volleyball? What's wrong with me.. why doesn't he like me.

Yahaba started crying, the warm feeling of the tears too familiar.

"Yahaba?" A voice asked.

•3rd person P.O.V•

////////////////Back at the gym/////////////////

"I-I'll go check on him" Iwazumi looks at Kyotani.

"Okay tell us what happened when you get back" Kyotani nods his head as he walks out of the gym door looking around for places that Yahaba might be.

•Kyotani's P.O.V•

After looking around the school yard a little bit I finally find him sitting under a tree.

I hear sniffles and sobs. "Yahaba?" He looks at me surprised.

"K-kyotani, what are y-you doing here" wiping his tears he stands up looking at Kyotani.

"I came looking for you after you kinda just stormed out of the gym.." Kyotani looks down. "W-why were you crying?.."

"I-um.. what do you mean?"

"You were obviously crying I heard you"

"I uh.." it's now or never Yahaba thinks.

"Well.. um do you like anyone?"

"Actually I do.."

I knew it... he likes Iwazumi. Yahaba was on the verge of crying again, tears threatening to spill.

"A-and who might this person be.." Yahaba's voice cracks. He was hoping that he would say him but he know it won't be, but he can still hope.

"U-uh well I actually like you.." He says that last part very quietly that Yahaba doesn't know him he heard him correctly.

"Did you say me?" Surprised Yahaba starts feeling a little happier.

"Y-yeah and I know you don't like me because you're straight and I just ruined our friendship and you're probably disgusted in m-" Kyotani's rant is cut off by Yahaba kissing him.

"I like you too dumbass, you were the reason I was crying.. I- I thought you liked Iwazumi" Yahaba looked down ashamed.

"You were crying over me? Wow I'm special" Kyotani smirks cockily.

"Oh shut up you mangy dog" Yahaba rolls his eyes.

"Well so Yahaba.. will you be mine? My boyfriend?" Kyotani asks already knowing the answer.

"Of course" They kiss once again, this time filled with loved and admiration.

•3rd person P.O.V•

Yahaba and Kyotani walk into the gym hand in hand.

"Oh so I see you two finally got together" Iwazumi scoffs.

"OMG MAD•DOG-CHAN AND HABA-CHAN?!" Oikawa screams sounding like one of his fangirls.

"Oikawa shut up you sound like a fangirl" Iwazumi hits him on the head.

"Mean Iwa-Chan" Oikawa pouts.

Word count~745 (not including this note")

Sorry for not uploading!! Kinda lost motivation but I gained in back and made a cute little fluffy angst story. 🐥 I really like this duck 😃 anyways.... TY FOR LIKE 80 READS ILYGSM!!

Anyways cya 😩🙌

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