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If someone told Donghyuck that he would make a deal with Jung Sungchan that was not at all in his favor, he wouldn't believe it at all. In fact, he'll go the extra mile and call that person stupid while saying, "I'm Lee Donghyuck! Everything works in my favor." He's doubting himself at the moment as he watches Sungchan write down his number on Shotaro's drink.

He was proud of his friend for asking out his crush, of course. He was tired of talking about Renjun and thinks Sungchan is tired of him talking about Renjun too. These days it was Renjun this, Renjun that-He's thinking about him right now! His feelings were a disease, an incurable one, and Renjun was the source.

"Hyung, do you think he'll call me?" Sungchan snaps the other out of his thoughts.

"Duh, of course, he will." Donghyuck smiles and playfully hits the other, "You're hot, apparently, he'll definitely call you."

The taller hums and watches Shotaro leave the cafe, "How are you going to confess to Renjun-Hyung?"

Donghyuck freezes and looks away from Sungchan, "Don't know." He beatboxes as a coping mechanism.

"Hyung! Seriously!?" Sungchan groans and grabs the other by his shoulders, "It's too late to back out now, Hyung. I gave my number to Shotaro, now you have to do your part of the deal!"

"It isn't that easy, okay! I don't even know if he likes me back-" Donghyuck tries to reason before getting rudely interrupted.

"He definitely likes you back!"

He sighs before looking up at Sungchan, "I think he thinks I like Mark-Hyung."

"Oh." Sungchan lets go of his Hyung, "Things suddenly make a lot of sense."

"Before you ask me how I know, he started asking me Mark-related questions a lot for the past few days-and before you say I should just tell him I don't like him, I tried to tell him, like, yesterday! But I saw him with Jaemin and sulked all day." A pout forms on his lips as he looks away from the other again. "He's been avoiding me for days, sorry I never told you. Thought you would get annoyed at me if I kept talking about him."

It was quiet for a little, with no new customers, only the murmur of the cafe and the ambiance music filling in their conversation. "Donghyuck, I'm your friend. You can rant about Renjun all you want, I'm just here to listen and give my opinion."

Donghyuck sighs and smiles a little, "I might have to hold off my end of the deal, but I promise I'll talk to him."


ao3: neverlands

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