Backstories & Butterflies

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I could've sworn that that was Ally, and that we were reuniting. I haven't seen her since kindergarten, when she was singing the Butterfly Song on stage. The time when she didn't have stage fright, and she didn't have a boyfriend. But there we were , in the stadium. She has come so far in life. But before we get to that, I should start from the beginning. Where me and her first met.

We were 5, and we were in Mrs. Karmicheal's class. As Ally and Trish were over at the table, talking, I was over at a different table, playing the guitar. Dez was shooting a "video" with a toy camera. Back  then, Austin had a crush on Ally. He told her, and Ally gave him a puzzled look. She turned away, getting back to the homework that Mrs. Karmicheal assigned. 

Austin walked away sadly, looking down. He sat next to Dez. He looked over at the piano, listening to Ally play and sing  The Butterfly Song. Austin thought that he should write a song for Ally, so he did. Unfortunally, he didn't know how to write songs. He sat in the middle of the classroom, singing the song to her. The song was so terrible, that the lyrics didn't even sound like it was in the English language. 

Everyone in the room gave him a puzzled look, even the teacher. Then they all laughed at him. The teacher was giggling silently. But Ally wasn't laughing at all, in fact, she was smiling. She understood the song, and she walked up to him. "That was really sweet, Austin." she said. Then she kissed his cheek. Austin smiled at her.

No one ever saw the kiss on the cheek. Austin was the only one who knew about it-- and Trish and Dez of course-- and Ally even remembers it. A few weeks later, they were at the school play. Everyone in class was in the play, even Tillie. She was disgusted by the song and was willing to push Ally off the stage. Austin saw what she was about to do. And before Tillie could push Ally off stage, she ended up pushing Austin off.

Ally teared up, but she continued singing the song. They all pretended that that didn't happen, and Tillie acted like she didn't do anything, and everyone believed her. After  the play, everyone circled around Austin. "He needs space." Ally said. Everyone backed up, but she got on her knees next to him. They both smiled at each other, and that's all they remembered.

A few years later, in 4th grade, they talked again. Austin was about to ask Ally out, but before he could say anything, she told him that she was moving to Wisconsin. Austin was crushed, but he said "Okay, I'll miss you!", hoping that Ally wouldn't notice him tearing up. Ally smiled a little, then she hugged him and was off to the airport. That night, Austin cried himself to sleep.

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