Chapter 8

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Right Hand Man: What....happened?

Reginald: Ah, Right Hand Man! You're finally awake!

Right Hand Man: Hey! What's that thing?

Terrence: The smoke inside the bottle? It was a curse that possessed me for 2 years!

Charles: C-curse?!

Terrence: Yes, it's a curse. It has been going around since generations.

Reginald: So what's it called?

Terrence: It's called The Toppat Curse. There's a chance that the curse may possessed a Toppat member into trying to overthrown The Toppat Leaders, but rarely it cursed the Toppat Leaders like TRNK. You see Billy G didn't die from a disease, he was killed by the leader you know, Sir Wilford IV.

Reginald: Why didn't Wilford said about this?

Terrence: Wilford knows the curse but he couldn't defend himself from trying to kill Billy and he regret doing this a lot so he didn't tell about this and claimed that Billy died from a disease he didn't tell.

Reginald: I-I can't believe this...What about the other leaders?

Terrence: It also happened to them as well. Some members are fine and didn't get possessed like Randy because he wants to be a leader so the previous leader gave up his leadership for him.

Right Hand Man: Wait! We just remembered! Geoffrey, Thomas and Burt are still inside the rocket! We still hasn't clear if they're alright or not!

Right Hand Man suddenly got a call.

Right Hand Man: Hello? This is Right Hand Man?

???: Hey! Are you guys alright?!

Right Hand Man: Wait, Burt! Is that you?!

Burt: Yes, sir. We're alright!

Geoffrey: Yeah, we survived. But we're hiding away from the Toppat Members. I feel like they're going to find us soon! Just be quick!

Thomas: Yeah! Please hurry!

Right Hand Man: Don't worry, guys! Hang in there!

Reginald: Who's that?

Right Hand Man: It's Burt! He, Geoffrey and Thomas are fine!

Reginald: Thank god! But, how do we get to the staton?

Terrence: I remember we stored the same portal there. Maybe we can transport from the airship's portal to the rocket's portal!

Charles: That's the perfect plan! But we have to activate the power engine!

Terrence: Me and Reginald should go activate it! Come on Reg! Let's go!

Reginald: Wait! Wait for me!

Apophyll Mansion, Hyper Magic Dimension: 

Dave: Whoa, the mansion is huge!

Henry: Wow!

Lola: Looks cool, isn't it? Anyway, meet The BFFs and Blake!

The BFFs: Hi! We're The BFFs!

Blake: Hello, I'm Blake, I'm a Dimensional Traveler. And I can help you find your friends! Now follow me.

Dave: Are you going with us?

Lola: Well, I want to stay here chatting with BFFs!

Dave: Alright then.

Terrence's Revenge (A Henry Stickmin story)Where stories live. Discover now