
128 15 4

( deth )


1. the first class ticket out of reality

some people suffer thanatophobia. or death anxiety. or the extreme fear of death. and maybe this fear came about because death is usually portrayed as a totally macabre occurrence. maybe it's because when people die, sometimes they're forgotten and these people don't want to be forgotten.

but honestly speaking, i don't see why people would even be scared of dying. it's a natural part of life; when time's up, time's up; there's nothing you can do to stop it. in fact, some people would think that being dead was better than being alive but not happy.

granted, it's not the most amazing thing in the world, because let's face it; after experiencing the passing of someone you love, you will cry and feel incomplete and mope and cry some more. so yes, human beings are vulnerable.

and yes, we are unknowing of neither the near nor distant future. but somewhere along the lines, there will be a time in which death will come knocking by our doors.

sometimes, death will let you slip through the gaps between his fingers, and then will come around for a second visit. at other times, he will kidnap you, whether or not you tried fighting him. but sometimes, death is a friend yet to be made.

here's the thing though, when you die, your soul will be returned to the universe - in the pretty form of stardust. you become a star, burning bright in the midnight sky. and maybe, just maybe, for once, you'd feel beautiful.

hence why i think death, to certain people, may be a gift. it's the express escape from the burdens of life after all.

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