Chapter Five - Normal Student-kun

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(A/N - A few people asked for me to do reactions to some of the more civilian scenes that establish Ayanokoji's wish to lead a normal student life. I had always intended to do scenes like this and I will scatter them throughout the reaction fic when I haven't got enough time to do a full chapter.

So this will be a calmer reaction like I mentioned in the last chapter. I was very, very tempted to go straight into the Kushida meltdown after I read RukkaRo's comment about my potential sadistic streak. Unfortunately, I have barely any time to write extensively at the moment and I want to do a proper reaction to that scene so for now I will suppress my sadistic urges.)

Now we will be seeing various scenes from Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's acclimation to this school!

"What?" Ryuen asked with a raised eyebrow.

Some of you might not be interested in this but you don't have any choice in the matter so just enjoy it.

"Who the fuck cares how that bastard 'acclimated' to this school!" Hosen yelled while simultaneously mocking the video creator's word choice.

"You're very loud Hosen-kun, would you mind shutting up?" Amasawa made her request with a smile.

"Piss off Amasawa. I humour you because you are somewhat capable but don't push my limits."

"Oh, I'm very sorry, Hosen-kun, I'll keep your limits in mind," Amasawa said with a cute giggle. I doubt Hosen will understand that he's being made fun of.


Hosen turned away from his lively partner.

Focusing back on the more important subject, I wonder what they will show this time. It can't seriously just be how I got used to regular school life. However, that depends on what the creator hopes to achieve. If they simply wished to expose my actions then there was obviously no need to distract from that purpose with a video as mundane as my acclimation to school life. If there was another purpose though...

We'll start off with his first time visiting his dorm room and then there will be some other scenes too!

"Do we have to see this?" Ike asked, suddenly looking very bored.

"We have been instructed to show you all the videos we were provided with. So, yes, you have to watch the video." Chabashira told him.

"But do we have to pay attention?"

"There could always be a hidden reason, Ike-kun," Yosuke said, "There have been many times when the reason for something the school has done hasn't been immediately apparent. This could be one of those times so I think we should all pay attention."

"Hirata-kun is correct. No matter how useless a piece of information may seem, if it was given by the school, there must be some reason for it." Horikita backed him up.

"Fine..." Ike sighed and turned to the screen.

Personally, I was with Ike on this one.

Let's start! Oh, side note, this was before the school revealed it's true nature.

Obviously, it was from my perspective again. I can't believe this is something I've gotten used to.

Around one pm, I made my way back to the dormitory, my home from that day onward. At the reception desk, I received a keycard for Room 401 and a handbook containing information about the dorm's rules, then boarded the elevator. I quickly flipped through the handbook, which only detailed the most basic things that we needed for our daily routines. The dates and times for garbage disposal were listed, as well as a notice about avoiding excessive noise. I also saw notes about not wasting water or electricity, and so on.

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