Chapter Eighteen: By Any Other Name

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"I still do not understand," Rahn murmured

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"I still do not understand," Rahn murmured. She was inside the Batcave, arms folded, and raising an eyebrow at Dick Grayson who sat in a nearby armchair. "They would not contribute anything of value to their offspring..."

Dick snickered, leaning back and propping his feet up on top of the desk in front of him. It was relatively empty besides the newspaper and an empty coffee mug that Alfred had yet to collect. He had only come here to collect an extra pair of Escrima Sticks, but stayed when he heard Rahn bombarding Bruce with questions about his 'intimacy' with Catwoman. He couldn't miss that conversation for anything.

"I think kids are the last thing on their minds," Dick laughed.

"Then why do it? Why engage in intercourse if they do not wish to produce a worthy heir?"

Bruce had his back turned to them, fiddling with his grapple hook which, of late, had been a little temperamental. Despite his refusal to engage in the conversation, he still cringed whenever they spoke.

"Is that a serious question?" Dick replied incredulously. "Because it feels great, that's why!"

Rahn tilted her head to the side in obvious bewilderment.

"Are you telling me that no one, not a single one, on your planet has sex for pleasure?" Dick had met his fair share of aliens, he was currently dating one, in fact, but none of them had ever mentioned a lack of libido.

"Sex is not pleasurable to us, it is a serious ritual that is only done when both parents have genes that would benefit our planet," Rahn's brow furrowed, as if in deep thought. "The concept of touch is still quite foreign to me. My people don't have nerve-endings the way that you understand them, and we are not solid so we cannot actually touch each other either. I suppose if I were to mate in this form, however, it would feel the same as any other human."

"Okay, enlighten me, how do you guys 'mate'?"

"We find someone that has qualities that we would like to see in our child, then one of us extracts the appropriate DNA from the other and mixes it with their own. My species is androgynous so it doesn't matter who does it, then that develops inside of us until, almost one week later, we split in half and create a new being."



"That's disgusting," Dick made a face similar to a child being force fed broccoli. "What do you actually look like then? Do you have like ten legs and four boobs?"

"I don't have legs or boobs or arms or anything else," Rahn answered, but this time there was a hint of annoyance in her tone. "I do not have anything that you could comprehend with your tiny little mind, and even if you could see my true form in this third dimension, it still would not be an entirely accurate portrayal. I am a fourth dimensional being. It is like seeing a square where there is actually a cube."

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