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Lady welcomes the boys on their way into the kitchen

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Lady welcomes the boys on their way into the kitchen. They've already walked in their wet shoes marking the floor with the print of the bottom of their vans. Nothing is said of it. She helps them take their coats off, her warm smile as wide as ever when she asks how much they enjoyed themselves. I know they had, right up until we had to leave and go out in the dreaded cold. It literally felt like frostbite attacked us all the second the front door opened and the car couldn't get hot enough. Kian stands at my side this time, Keenan having gone to work early this morning. I bet he was freezing in what he wore, I should have insisted he find a jacket before going, I hoped Saint had for him.

"We've just had food so I imagine they'll be okay for a couple hours" I smile at her, her eyes catching mine immediately. She giggles, shaking her head, "the boys in this house will always keep the cupboards empty". I knew that feeling. Never had I thought boys as small as the twins could eat like they had, the burgers they insisted on ordering and the way they demolished them had taken me aback.

"It's lovely having you around, our boys love you" her blue eyes warmed.

"I understand that Kodiak has booked a dinner for us, it would be great for you to come"

The want for inclusion made my own heart melt. Kian spoke words of agreeance, his hand touching my arm as he came closer to make sure I'd listen and agree to go. He then continued his way to jump up and sit on top of the counter with his long legs dangling.

Lady regained my look as she moved her hands to join together at her stomach. The move was so old housewife like in the movies as they spoke dearly to their husbands. She just didn't wear an apron like one.

"Its on Friday night, casual dress, it'll only be the family" Kian settles my question before I even let it slip from my tongue. I don't think of another question knowing I'd find out the exact details of when from Kian. He was such a good boy, loving and kind, a total people person and people pleaser.

It felt nice to want to be included like that, though I had my brothers and the sense of security from them, the difference from them to the Deveroux's was massive. It wasn't just security with the Deveroux's, it was affection and listening, ranting or having a normal conversation. My mother was dead, but I imagined Lady was just like my own mum from the little I had witnessed so far. We used to be so happy to come home to her, watch her chirpy smirk grow as she baked for us - she is why we all had a major sweet tooth- we'd also always hang around her and try our best to annoy her, see if she would ever get mad, but she never did. Never meant to hurt any of us. At the end of the day she would tuck us in - she didn't have lullaby's or stories to tell us, but she always left a kiss on our cheeks with a 'goodnight god bless'. She was the majority of my childhood memories, having been around her constantly, learning and growing and having fun with my siblings. She was perfect, a perfect mother and partner. It was a shame she was gone.

"Thankyou for inviting me Lady". Lady took my hand in hers as I allowed her to and her other brushed my cheek with her palm. "Always welcome my dear". I think it was because Lady didn't have any girls that she had taken a liking to me, asides for the obvious that I got on so well with her three youngest. Maybe that was selfish to assume. But, the feeling of her skin on mine did feel motherly, reminded me briefly of what I had with mine.

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