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Aurora DiLorenzo 

My chest was rising and falling at a fast pace. I could barely breathe, but I didn't care. The feeling of him all over me was intoxicating. Everything about him was consuming. He consumed my entire being and I still somehow couldn't get enough. 

His hands fumbled with the key, trying to get the hotel room's door open without separating our. lips. A soft moan of success vibrated through him as he got the door open, walking us in and closing the door behind us. The key card was discarded on the floor, his hands falling back to hips, moving me around till my back was pressed against the door. 

His lips trail from my own, finally giving us the necessary air to breathe. He trails open mouthed kisses down my jaw and neck. His hands run up and down my body, exploring. He can't seem to keep them still. "Fuck Aurora, you're unreal." He mumbles against me, placing one soft kiss against the base of my throat before leaning back and looking at me. My eyes float between his own. I can't help but stare as if I look away I'll never remember what he looks like. I want him burned in my memory. I hope he knows just how much he means to me. 

"You did so good tonight. How do you feel?" He asks, cupping my face and rubbing his thumbs against my cheeks. I close my eyes at the feeling, a small smile tugging on my face. 

"Surprisingly okay. Does that make me a bad person? For not feeling much after taking someone's life?" I ask, my eyes opening to meet his. He shakes his head, planting a kiss on my lips. 

"Not at all." He whispers before kissing me passionately again. 

I don't know if I will feel differently tomorrow, but in this moment. I don't feel anything. The only thing I feel is Harry's lips on mine and his hands roaming my body. They slip up under my dress, gripping my hips and pulling me closer to him. His thumb runs along my lower stomach before his hands are reaching around my back side, under my thighs, and lifting me up. I instantly wrap my legs around his waist, my hands finding their way into his hair. 

I cling to him, never pulling away. I feel my back meet the soft bedding, before there's a dip, probably from his knee against the mattress. His hands continue roaming my body, under my dress, our kiss still unbroken. We stay like this for a few minutes, not taking it any further, just enjoying it as it is. 

"So good, let me show you how good you did." He mumbles, separating from me. His eyes run up and down my entire body. Devouring me with his eyes. He hums to himself as he runs his hands down my legs till he reaches my heels. "To keep these on or take them off is the question."  His eyes flick up to mine briefly before averting back to my legs. 

He seems to decide quickly and begins taking them off, letting them fall to the floor. He makes his way up my body, his hand slipping under the thin strap of my dress, letting it fall from my shoulder. 

"I would just rip this off of you, but I definitely want to see you in this again. Gonna take my time with you tonight." He places a gentle kiss on my neckline before slowly slipping me out of my dress. 

His eyes widen at the sight of my completely naked body. I couldn't wear any underwear with this dress, given it was way too tight and I didn't want to have any lines of any sort. I'm surprised he hadn't noticed earlier while he had slipped his hands under my dress, probably too consumed in the kiss. 

I watch in silence as his chest rises and falls at a steady, but slightly accelerated pace. I watch his eyes roam every where all at once, a silent battle within himself to figure out where he wants to start. When he lowers his face and attaches his lips around my nipple, swirling his tongue around, I can't help the soft moan that escapes me. His hand works my other breast, his thumb running back and forth over my nipple. He continues for a little before switching to the other side. 

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