A new Generation.

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10000yrs later,
Location:Bangstan Kingdom ( kingdom of Mortals)
Outside the place(in the hybe village).

All the children gathered at the gate of hybe, they listened while an old man spoke,he told them the history of the Kingdom and old myths.

Mr kim Bae Soo

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Mr kim Bae Soo.
A guard quickly ran to him.
Guard: (bowing his head) sorry for interrupting you sir ( bows his head)
Mr Bae Soo:( faces the gaurd) what do you want?
Gaurd: sir, the Emperor seeks you.
Mr Bae Soo:ok( faces the children)I hope you all have learnt something.
The children: yes !!!!!, Thank you sir ( they bow their heads).
Mr Bae Soo: (faces the gaurd)come lets go.
      The gaurd escorted Mr Bae Soo to the palace. The palace was owned by Emperor Kim Dae Jung, he had five beautiful wives, all the wives lived together with no enemiety towards each other. The emperor Loved and cherished his family, Especially his sons,he treated and loved them equally, They were all United as one.

 The emperor Loved and cherished his family, Especially his sons,he treated and loved them equally, They were all United as one

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Emperor Dae Jung.

Mr Bae Soo arrived at the palace, he went into the Emperors chamber.
Emperor:(turns back and smiled at Mr bae Soo) Aboji ( bows his head ).
Mr Bae Soo: your majesty, you shouldn't bow your...(cut short by the emperor).
Emperor: No Aboji, you are my father and also the former Emperor. It doesn't matter if I bow my head to greet you ( quickly ran to embrace his father) Aboji I miss you so much.
     Empress Ji Soo was about to enter , she stood by the door side, she saw both Father and son together
after a long time, she was happy. She left there, giving both of them a chance to talk. They broke the hug, Mr Bae Soo was so happy to see his son same goes to the Emperor, both of the strolled and chatted for a while. They got to the childrens chamber,Mr Bae Soo called out to the children, quickly Nam Joon, yoongi,Jin, Hoseok ran to embrace him, he smiled at them and gave them a present he asked for the rest. Queen so ah brought the remaining children out, "they're here"she said. They were quite young and Jungkook was still a little baby, Jimin and Tae hyun ran to embrace their grandpa ,little Jungkookie wasn't quite familiar with his grandpa he just stared at him and smiled.

 They were quite young and Jungkook was still a little baby, Jimin and Tae hyun ran to embrace their grandpa ,little Jungkookie wasn't quite familiar with his grandpa he just stared at him and smiled

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Few days later,Mr Bae Soo fell sick, he was very ill, his sickness became worst by the day, he sent for the Emperor and his 7 grandsons.
Mr Bae Soo:( coughs and speak in a dying sqeeky tone). Emperor Dae, my son , am very proud of you, you have achieved many things than me, I pray you will continue to lead your people in wisdom.( Coughs)!!!!
Emperor:Aboji, why are u talking like this, don't tell me you want to leave us.
Mr Bae Soo: coughs!!!!, Where are my grandsons, I want to see them.
Emperor: Let them in( the grandsons sons entered the room ,they didn't Know what was going on, they just stared at the sick old man).
Mr Bae Soo: Where is Nam Joon.
Nam Joon: grandpa! am here.
Mr Bae Soo:( faces Nam Joon) bring that box over there ( Nam Joon took the box and gave it to him.Mr Bae Soo brought out a bracelet and put it onNam Joon right hand)take this box, I want you to distribute the rest to your brothers.
Nam Joon: yes grandpa, I will.
Emperor: what is in the box?
Mr Bae Soo: they are my Price possessions and I want them to have it when am gone.
Emperor: don't say that, you are not going anywhere, I will call the best doctor to treat you .
Mr bae Soo: ,yah! Dae Jung , be strong for your children, family and kingdom. I love you so much.( He smiled and rolled his eyes).
Emperor: ( he cried)

The next day Mr Bae Soo gave up the Ghost, Every one were sad about the sudden departure of their former Emperor.After some days every thing went back to normal again.

The above places doesn't exist to in real life, hope y'all liked it go 👇👇👇 for more.

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