First roomates, then soulmates

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By the disciples of our one and only God KEANU

It's the first semester of your first year of college, new social groups, new classes, a new schedule in a school youre barely familiar with are rushing through your mind, and the last things you can possibly have on your mind is to take a break for coffee ☕. One day, when you're coming back from a class you were embarrassingly 15 minutes late for, you bump into someone coming out of the door to your dorm room. Someone coming out of my dorm room? You think to yourself. I thought I didn't have a roommate. In the midst of you thinking about how strange this situation is, your papers that were resting safely in your hands only a second ago were suddenly launched into the air and scattered hopelessly across the floor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that. I didn't see you walk to the door. My bad, really." Echoed an angelic voice from above your head.

You tilt your head up only to realize that this voice had a face. And jeez, a handsome one at that. Bearded and everything.

As he leans down to help you clean up, he realizes the confusion on your face, and tries to explain the situation. "Haha, well, I know it's almost a week into the school year, but I'm actually a transfer student from a foreign country. That's why I'm a bit late to move in."

"Oh, that makes sense," you reply as he gently places the papers you dropped back into yohr hands. "Thank god. Thar was kinda scary, I thought some random person had broken into my dorm room haha!"

"Oh yeah, i can see how that woukd be scary," says the handsome stranger. "im Keanu Reeves," he introduces himself, holding out his hand.

"Im y/n," you say, nearly dropping yiyr papers again as you hold out yiyr hand to accept his handshake.

"I like that name," he compliments you. Keanu gently yet firmly shakes your hand. "Y/n," he tries. It sounds so.. exotic the way he pronounces it.

"Oh, wow," you accilentally mumble outloud. A soft blush dusts your featurez as the tips of his ears redden.

You both stand there for a momemt, soakinq in eacy other. Suddenly, Keanu's eyes widem and he lets go of your hands, both of you unaware that you were holding hands because you were unaware of your hands placemebt.

"I-I have to go," he tells you, pausing to check his vatch. Your expression dims, upaet that he has to leave so eaely. "I have aomewhere to get to. I totally forgot-"

You want to say something, but he has already dashed off. The door flies open as he runs up teh dorm steps. He's gone in q milisecond, the light barely reflecting his precense.

However.. You realize that he left his shoe. Running, you lean down and obtain the only piece of him left.

What is this Cinderella?

"Apparentnl," you mumble.] You need to get to him. You run as fast as ur,lol legs will take u abd hes so,close you xould almost,touch,- vut he fades away.... Into rhe darkness..... bdarkness.....b "dang!" You sceeam in frustration. Your breath shows in rhe cold air. How did he disaoear like rat? You dobt kbos

No kne knows. [End,zcene]

Before ypu know it, you wake up at the bottom of the stairs, upside down, with a big bump on yoyr head. Apparently you fell down the stairs running after Keanu reevies and absolutely bashed your head and fell unconscious while day dreaming about returning keanus shoe.

As you rub your head, hoping that you don't look dumb with a big bump on your noggin, you realize that the shoe that you thought you were daydreaming about was in your hand.

"Oh, he's still missing his shoe!!" You yell, and proceed to crawl down the hallway because you were such in a rush you forgot to stand up.

You book it down the hallway, following the scent of your roommate that you of course had memorized from the moment that dreamy musk hit your nose holes.

"Keanuuuuuuu," you exlaim, still running crazily. "I ha

Ve youre sh96eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!"

"Y/n," Keanu Reevies says once yoy find him bt teacking his scent.

"Ive come here witg yiure shoeee!!!!" Yoy say.

"Oh wow, thanks y/n," he says. "Ur so cob wc consideriete. Hey, why do yiu havw a huge bump on ur head??"

"Nevevminb thab," you exzuse urseld, ignoring the tweety birds flyinh arnound ur hean. Haha "Would you libe to becomv me wifu?"

Keanu, our goddeth, gaspethses. His hands reach up to covew hip moyth. "Really OwO?"

"Yes, Keanu," you say, taking te veddinh ring frok your pokey bc u hav tht. You bend your body to go on uno kneeeee. "Pwease, accept this proposal ofm y lovee."

Keanu smile, masculiny bc omfg hott, and he accupts the ring pop.

Weddinh bells chime in the background, the second love interest jealously throwing flowers at the red carpemt. The third love ibterest is the prist jajajaja?

Yoir wedding was bootiful abd the priset made their speech.

"Do u, zexh Jewish, take reader reader, to be your lovely wedded wif?"

"Ye" he said,smilibf.

"Ans so U, reader r-"


"Ahem, ket,me finish. Do u, raader reader, take Zach Jewish as your wif?"

"YES!!!!" YOU SCREAM "WAIT butwe both wfs?"


"Uhhhh ok"

"Now smooch or Smth idk"

You and zaxh reach to eaxhother ans u smooch 😘 💋

It's 5 years later, you both graduated college and when the time came, bought a house together with the intention of becoming the best titan killers in Wall Maria. You both join the Scout regiment and you live happily ever after as husband and significant other fighting off titNS

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