Prologue - "I-I...I'm sorry...for everything..."

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“I just need to-!” Marcy stammered, suddenly feeling a sharp pain within her chest. Tears had started to form in her eyes, as her life had started to flash before her eyes. Andrias had impaled her, using his flaming, bright, sword.

"Now look what you made me do..." Andrias had growled.

Marcy had finally registered what was happening—Andrias had betrayed her. He had tricked her...He had tricked everyone! Knowing she hadn't much time left, she had managed to gasp 4 words before she had fallen over, dropping the dull golden calamity box. "I-I-...I'm sorry...for
e v e r y t h i n g . . ."

The thud of the calamity box had caused it to close, shutting the portal Anne and the Plantars' had been in, teleporting them Los Angeles, on Earth.

"Where are we...?" "Home."

~To Be Continued~

[Authors Note: This was not new material...kinda. What I had described had happened in the last few seconds of True Colors. Just letting you know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, no I'm not updating this in October. I'm updating this tomorrow. Or today, if I have motivation lmfao. 😂]

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