The bullet that broke me

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He promised to love me,
But that was a lie.
He did everything, but love.
He voice, was poison to my soul.
A toxic web, I was caught in.
I thought he was an honest man,
But he was a con.
That night as I laid naked on his bed,
He did the one thing he promised he would never do.
He hurt me.
The assault happen so fast I didn't know the extent of the damage until three weeks later, when the pregnancy test read positive.
My heart melted.
I was happy to be a mother,
But this wasn't the way I wanted it to happen.
I was carrying a monsters child,
But I promised to do the best I could to show it all the love in the world an hope that it would grow up and be a good person.
The guilt of what he did to me must of ate at his twisted soul, he told me if I knew what was good for me I would let him get away with what he had done, that he didn't wanna be that babies dad no more then I wanted him to be. I stayed silent, and that's something that's haunted me since. Little did I know what he had done to me, he had done to other girls.
I was never someone special to him, just another soul he caught in the web. I might as well of loaded the gun, he used to shoot me in the back.

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