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Tuesday's ballet class at the academy had ended. The class consisted of Alessandro constantly teasing Angel and Bianca sending deathly glances towards their direction.

Marcello dismissed the ballerinas however Angel nervously stayed behind. She was waiting to inform Marcello on the good news. She was allowed to take the extra privates that he had offered, however she didn't know whether to mention about Salvatore wanting to be in the room with them.

"Signore Marcello?" Her voice came out softly and full of nerves. She didn't know why she was so anxious around the man, he scared her.

"Si?"  He had a smug expression on his face as he motioned for the young girl to come closer. Hesitantly she made her way towards the man, her eyes plastered on the floor awkwardly.

Suddenly a hand grasped her jaw and tilted her head up to look into the eyes of Marcello.

"What did I say about always looking me in the eyes?" Angel shivered at his harsh words. Her bambi-like eyes connected with his dark ones. She scrutinised his features. Marcello looked to be around in his forties. His commanding presence reminded her of Salvatore, but he lacked Salvatore's attractiveness. Yes, Marcello was handsome for his age, but there was something special about Salvatore that no one else could compare to.

"My apologies Signore" Her voice came out low as she took a breath to speak again.

"My father has permitted me to accept your private classes" As she fought to maintain eye contact with the frightening man, she murmured meekly. It was a problem she had to deal with on a regular basis. She was a quiet and shy girl.

Hearing the good news from her lips, he hummed in acceptance and nodded his head.

"That's wonderful Angelita. I really am glad that you chose to improve your ballet" His words were laced with something unfamiliar to Angelita. His eyes glistened with satisfaction and Angel grew doubtful of the situation. Why would he offer her extra privates? She thought back to Salvatore's worries of Marcello. Maybe he was correct?

"How about we organise the privates to be every Friday, is that alright?" Marcello raised his brow as he questioned the meek girl. Angel tilted her head quizzically.

"Signore i have my privates with Madame every Friday" She begun to explain yet was interrupted by the man.

"I will inform Madame that your privates together are no longer needed. I will visit you every Friday from now on. Si?" Marcello voiced in a dominating tone. Angel nodded timidly as she felt she did not really have a choice.

Smiling sheepishly, Angel bid her goodbyes to the man and exited the room.

Salvatore didn't pick her up that afternoon. Instead her usual chauffeur drove through the car park with his signature jolly smile. Bruno was his name. He was a respectable and kind hearted soul. Whenever he would transport Angel around, their drives consisted of jokes and good times.

However this time was unlike the usual. Angel remained silent as her mind wondered back to Salvatore's words. She grew anxious about Marcello and paranoia lingered in her head.

She was glad that Bruno hadn't interrupted her thoughts. The man realised her anxiousness and decided not to agitate her further.

Angel fidgeted as she bit her nails, her mind was a mess. She felt oddly let down that Salvatore had not picked her up. She wondered whether he had gotten back to his old ways. Before his recent sudden change in behaviour, he would ignore the little girl and act so cold towards her.

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