Chapter 1

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"I'll call you tomorrow, it's getting dark"

"okay, please get home as fast as you can! There was another kidnapping yesterday", he replied worriedly. His concern for me lit a warm feeling inside, an indescribable emotion. With the news of yet another person missing, the 213th person since January,  no one felt safe anymore. 

"I will, don't worry. Goodnight and this time remember to eat before you sleep", I responded charmingly.  A soft chuckle echoed through the phone with a goodnight in return. I ended the call and began hastily walking home, my mind wandering to him as usual.

Matt was the man of my dreams without a doubt. He truly cared about me and we were soon  reaching our 2 year anniversary. I knew that soon we would have to take things to the next level but I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to introduce him to my parents and I certainly wasn't ready to give my self to him despite his constant pestering. That feeling of nervousness every time he would ask would arise in the pit of my stomach regardless of how much I loved him and how long we had been together.  By the time I had stopped pondering about him, I had already reached home. 

My home wasn't anything special, a small 2 bedroom house with rotting cables and flaking wallpaper, but affordable for my salary as a seamstress. I walked in and flicked on the lights, noticing a few cockroaches scrambling across the wall desperately trying not to be seen. By this time I had gotten used to them, often regarding them as my room mates. Immediately, I walked over to the fridge and heating up microwavable rice and curry, my absolute favorite. The  microwave beeped indicating that my dinner was served so I grabbed a metal spoon and strolled over to the T.V. 

As if on cue, my phone buzzed and I dug into my pocket to reach for it.



Did you get home safely? 



Yeah, I'm home.  You really shouldn't worry about me this much. 



of course, I should. I LOVE YOUUUUU.  And besides it's way too dangerous in Hythe City now. goodnight again :)



I LOVE YOUUUU TOO, goodnight xx

Turning my phone off, I switched my attention over to the T.V which was playing an episode of the Simpsons. Not long after my food had been devoured and I groaned at the thought of cleaning up so I opted out and took a shower instead.  My 4A hair grew tremendously after months of braiding it and oiling it consistently and was now reaching my waist. I should really get those butterfly locs everyone has been talking about, I thought to my self. Hopping into bed, I turned on my Spotify to Jhene Aiko to drown out the blaring police sirens and ringing gun shots through the neighborhood. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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