A Lot of Walking

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I've only been in hell for a few days and am still very confused.  Needless to say, it was a lot to take in when I first got here.  There's still a lot going through my head.  Normally I try (and fail miserably) to be the chill quirky cynical one but right now I'm just anxious, burnt out,  and a bit paranoid.  

Surprisingly though, it could be worse.  Either hell isnt as bad as I expected or humanity is even worse than I imagined.  Neither would surprise me but I have an inclination towards the second thought; I had seen some weird shit on the internet during my time on earth.  

Y/N:  shit

That's all I really feel like saying as I walk down a seemingly never-ending sidewalk, both hands in the pockets of the generic Metallica hoodie I'm wearing.  I wanted to spout off some edgy one-liner but I really just didn't feel like it, and it probably wouldn't be funny even if I did.  I'd probably feel a bit better if I just ate or slept, neither of which you knew when I'd do next.

"Do I even need to do those things down here", I thought to myself

I'm hungry and tired;  that seems like enough of an answer.  I finally decide to start seriously looking around.  At least the weather is pleasant.  There's a steady, persistent warm breeze accompanying what would otherwise be a cool day; perfect hoodie weather.  Come to think about it, there are a lot of similar things to earth here.  There are streets, restaurants, buildings (many of which were boarded up, not sure why), it's overall very human looking with obvious exceptions like the red skies and demons.

Y/N:  Very human looking

I sarcastically comment to yourself as I walk past what seems like the tenth strip club I've seen in the past half hour.  

Speaking of human looking, I haven't seen another human being the entire time I've been walking, and I've been walking for awhile.  Nobody is staring at me either, which is weird.  Humans (from what I'm noticing) seem to be a rare sight.  

That's when I got the bright idea of looking in a mirror, maybe I don't even look human.  That's a scary thought. To answer that question though, I need to enter the nearest building and find a bathroom or something.  The nearest building is, of course, yet another strip club.  I roll my eyes, grunt to myself, and put up the hood of my jacket before walking in.

Succubus: Hey cutie

Demon: Dude looks like he just died and he's already here?  There's a guy I can get behind!

Demon #2:  Why's that guy so tall?

You ignore everything, walking straight into the bathroom and seeing  a mirror.

Y/N:  Holy shit..

Well, I still look mostly human thankfully.  Guess nobody was staring cause they didn't give a shit.  Still, I'm not entirely the same.  

The changes do make sense though.  It seems like a person's demon form depends a lot on their earth life and how they died.  I figured that out cause you saw some femboy spider looking dude on a....billboard.  He was aparrently in a "web" of crime during his time on earth (very cheeky).  Speaking of which, my memory of how exactly I died is a bit fuzzy.

Y/N: That's probably normal

I said aloud to nobody in particular.

Still looking in the mirror, I see that my hair looks nicer than usual.  That was something I was always really conscious about on earth, so of course, that plays into my look now.  On top of that, I also have a small set of black and grey horns.  Weird, everyone else's has been one solid color or black and white.  I'm surprised I didn't notice those earlier, given the hoodie and all.  Guess it's nice they aren't super intrusive.  Also I have a tail, which was something I had obviously noticed awhile back but had been a bit too embarrassed to pay any mind to.  

I'm taller and a lot more muscular.  I was a bit above 6'0 or so on earth so I get to be even taller now, maybe 7'.  But unlike my other features, this didn't seem...natural.  I also have a few scars I don't remember.  There's one a bit below my left ear, it's not just a normal scar though.  It looks like some weird, ancient circular rune.  Weirdly though, when I run my finger over it I can't even feel it.  

Y/N: Ok, so I look the same as what I did, just a little more-ya know- demonic.

I said trying to reassure myself, not entirely convinced.

Before leaving, I saw what I should have noticed first thing:  my eyes.  For starters, my sclera are entirely black.  Black like that one color on earth that just looks like a hole (vantablack or something). My irises, on the other hand, are red; not just red like everyone else's here though.  They're a deep, intense red; a bloodthirsty shade of blackened crimson that almost looks like it has a mind of its own.  To say this doesn't feel normal would be an understatement.

Not only that but I can't shake the feeling I'm being watched, by what I don't know.

You have a lot of questions and nobody to answer them.

Y/N:  Fuck this I need a drink

I leave the bathroom pretty quickly, putting my hood back up.  I don't actually need a drink, I don't know what you need.  Still though, it would be nice.  But shit, I don't even know how to get anything like that here.  Shame, being black out drunk would have beat this (and most other things) any day.

I still feel watched, but bizarrely enough it doesn't feel threatening; neutral and droning if anything.  Still, it's uncomfortable and I'm a lot more anxious about pretty much everything than I was a few minutes ago.  After awhile I wind up in a place called "Imp City", and it isn't hard to see why it was called that.  

"And I thought people here were short before.", I thought to myself

 It definitely seems to be a lower class area compared to where I had been days before, imps clearly aren't as highly regarded as other creatures.

Y/N: Ok, time to sleep somewhere and do this same shit again tomorrow

Now I know what I need: money.  Judging by all the business there's obviously some form of currency down here (what would that be, devil dollars?  satan bucks?).  

Coincidentally it was just then a peculiar building with an obnoxiously large "now hiring" sign caught my eyes

Y/N: Immediate......Murder Professionals?

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