CHAPTER 4: Music and the Kims

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Chaeyoung Pov

I was astounded at this thing infront of me my mind was blown, the images just started playing on this small, inanimate square object.

Trying to comprehend everything that it was showing me, my ears were diverted, drawn to  something it was a beautiful, captivating sound . It was part loneliness and euphoria. Whatever this is a gift to the world, unknowingly I stood up and followed the sound.

3rd Person Pov

Chaeyoung walk out the Myoui's house barefooted going towards to the neighbor's.

She walk at their front yard towards their door and open it. She then proceeded to the living room where she saw a pale girl with her back facing her playing "Reminiscent" by Yiruma on a piano.

Chaeyoung didn't know why or didn't understand but she was suddenly flooded with emotions. Her heart pounded, her lips trembled, her eyes started to water and unbeknownst to her tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Dahyun I'm home." Someone shouts

The said girl turn her head and saw a crying stranger. She was concern and was about to speak but Chaeyoung run away.

"Oh!" Dahyun's mom huffs as Chaeyoung bump into her as she heads towards the exit.

"Who was that?" Dahyun's Mom

"I don't know?" Dahyun

"Did she broke in?"- Dahyun's Mom

"No Ma I simply didn't lock the door." Dahyun

"What!!! how many times did I tell you to lock the door."- Dahyun's Mom

"Ma Chillax our neighborhood is friendly."  Dahyun

"No if  something bad happened to you like your dad, I don't think I'll ever want to live. Did she do something to you." Dahyun's mom

"Other than cry infront of me, nope" Dahyun

Chaeyoung run back to the Myoui's house and towards the couples room. She enters their bathroom, she hug her knees and curls herself into the bathtub.

She couldn't understand why she reacted that way, nor the emotion little did she know that the music touched her heart and she felt "Sorrow."

It was already past noon 1:45 to be exact when Mrs. Myoui arrive home. She decided to take the half day off and rest. As soon as arrived at their doorstep the house was open her stress levels spiked up and got angry when she sees the inside. The house was dirty, there some muddy footprints on the carpets and floor.


Mina Pov

I hear my mom shout angrily, okay that tone of her means I'm in deep trouble. I wonder why? and remembered Chaeyoung I left her. I thought she wasn't going misbehave, she wasn't even moving away from the computer. That little bastard is ruining my life.

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