What I am

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Cara p.o.v
I walked into katlyn's room to find her and deon playing . I need a moment alone with him. She nodded getting up . Your my mom . Your not my son he's dead . I am Your son you should believe dahlia she was telling the truth but I could always show you . Show me what . My memories with my rahle magic . That's what you were using against the more Sith when we found you . Yes he held out his hand . I sat down on the bed and took it . I saw everything. I relived his birth . I saw darken rahle break his neck I saw dahlia bring him to life and raise him . You weren't lying . No I wasn't you don't have to hide it I know your happy . You don't know a thing about me . Yeah I do mom tells me stories about you how your strong and brave and loyal and your afraid of letting people in . She told you all that . Some I learned by watching you I sometimes use my magic to peak . I laughed. When your ready to let me in I'll be here . Why . Because I love you . You don't even know me . Yes I do after all your the reason I'm here . Can I trust her . You can if you let her in . Deon thank you. Your welcome I walked into the throne room I don't trust her but I trust him and if anything goes wrong I can handle her . The last time you said that we ended up in the cells zed pointed out . I wasn't asking you I was asking Richard look we saw her use magic plus she's from another world we need to find out how she got here and what she wants . She's right zed bring her up. I nodded . I walked back down to the cells and opened the cell door. So you decided to trust me . No I don't trust you I trust that I can stop you if you decide to try and run give me your hands . She put them up . I hooked the chains on her wrists don't make me regret this . I wouldn't dream of it . I trudged on it and we walked upstairs. And we sat down

Dahlia p.o.v

. Okay explain Richard said. My story is a long so you might wanna keep an open mind . Let's start with how you're back from the dead . Mom deon said running in . Sorry you're Heynis he literally. Transported out of his room he does that a lot. He came up and hugged me . Shh it's okay I'm okay but you need to go back to your room okay I promise I'll be fine . Pinky pledged. He smiled linking his pinky with mine and disappearing. Sorry he does that a lot . Katlyn laughed. I was born about a thousand years ago I'm not just a more sith or a girl from stocroft I'm the daughter the keeper and the creator. That's impossible. So is coming back from the dead and yet you did it . Continue. I age differently from everyone else when I was 4 years old my parents split my father wanted me to join him against my mother I said no so he cast a spell on me that separated my good half from my darker half it worked like when I reached the age of 27 I would die if I didn't join him so he would reverse it I would never I could never do that so I went down to earth . And a thousand years later I ended up in stocroft and I met Cara . That's Why you were and orphan . Yes I was taken with you I couldn't use my magic because my mother would realize where I was my mother offered for me to not die if I joined her I refused so I was alone . Why were you at the temple. I was looking for my other half you know her as sister nicci She's the good side of me I'm the dark half. She didn't seem good when we met her . You try a thousand years with no one and not even being a hole person it does stuff to you . What happened to you it's similar to what happened to me when I spilt because of the ambulet . Yes but it's permanent in less you all fix it the power of a wizard of the first order . I'm not helping you . You will when you hear what I have to say if I die all magic die as well my mother controls life my father controls death I control magic if I die you become just a man in a robe as you say not to mention the fact that if I die my father steals my power which means he will have enough power to retail the Val now do I have your attention . Yes you do . I don't believe a word of this zed said. If you don't believe me I'll show you I said holding out my hands . They all took one, I showed them my hole life . Now do you believe me .

Richard p.o.v

What makes you think we can't stop the keeper on our own fix and the no magic for that matter. Maybe the fact that you can't fix your son from turning evil . What are you talking about. Why don't you ask your wife . Katlyn can I have a moment alone with you please . We walked outside of the room. What is she talking about. Richard I didn't wanna say anything but its important im pregnant with twins a boy and a girl I asked my sister if she was sure she said she is I didn't know what to do I just. These are my children and your my wife your supposed to be telling me stuff I love you . I love you to but what are we going to do . We walked back into the council room. Okay start talking. My father created the confesser curse to punish me when I was a little girl I was friends with a boy confesser my father cursed him and every future male confesser to turn evil I can reverse this curse but only if I am fully complete so if you want your son to be safe and not end up like your brother you might wanna help me . Get ready pack some provisions we're gonna get sister nicci and we're gonna save my son I'll get the horses.

Cara p.o.v

Get up . You know if your gonna get upset you mine as well say it . You lied to me all of our lives . Yes I did and yet you're still wearing the bracelet I'm still wearing mine admit it you still care . Shut up . I said locking the chain around the chair and grabbing my bag . Can I say goodbye to my son before we leave. You could break those chains right now and yet you haven't you could pick up your son and leave and yet you haven't. Because I need help and I don't wanna die without doing this she said before kissing me I kissed her back as much a I wanted to stop her I couldn't. I love you Cara . I struck her with the ajeal in the stomach. Ah she screamed. Do that again and I'll make it really hurt. Got it . Got it . 2 minutes with deon and then we're out make it quick i said putting a piece of bread in my bag .

Dahlia p.o.v

I walked into deon's room and hugged him tight . I don't want you to go mommy. I know but I'll be back and every night you can talk to me through our magic I promise. Okay mom I love you . I love you to . Mom do you want me to heal you. Ah it's okay I healed my self she didn't mean it . Think she liked me . She loves you she's just having a hard time letting you in . I said to minutes it's been three Cara said coming in . Fine he wants to see you anyway.

Cara p.o.v

Get over to the horses now . I walked over to deon . Please don't hurt her again. How did you hear about that . I saw her bruise please she loves you . I promise it won't happen again. Thankyou he said hugging me . I slowly hugged him back.

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