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"YOU SAID YOUR FEELINGS WOULDN'T CHANGE!" Jiwan yelled, tears streaming down her face

"Jiwan I-I'm sorry..." Sol apologized, starting to cry

"Why Sol?" Jiwan asked "Why are you leaving me?"

Sol stared into Jiwan's helpless eyes "I just don't feel the same anymore" Sol lied "...I don't feel anything anymore" (that was true)

Sol's mental health had been declining after the art career that she had been working towards for years, failed and left her broken and unmotivated to do anything

Sol quickly fell into a depression though she didn't tell Jiwan about her mental illness in fear that Jiwan would blame herself

It finally got to the point where Sol couldn't hide it anymore but refused to get help and inconvenience anyone. She decided the best decision would be to break up with Jiwan and save her from having to deal with Sol's problems

"Sol please" Jiwan fell to her knees in front of Sol, who was sitting on Jiwan's couch "Please let me help you. It doesn't have to end here"

Sol looked down, shaking her head "I'm sorry Jiwan. I'm so sorry"

"No, no, no Sol please, please look at me" Jiwan pleaded, Sol looked up and when she locked eyes with Jiwan, more tears started to fall

"Sol, you mean the world to me, I want to help you. Please, let me help you" Jiwan begged, holding Sol's hands

"Jiwan, I can't. I can't do this" Sol stood up and headed for the door

"Sol! Please stop!" Jiwan yelled

Sol didn't look back. Her head was empty and she just wanted this to end. She hated feeling this way and even though Jiwan was her light, the only thing that made her feel like life was worth living, Sol couldn't bear to drag Jiwan down with her

Sol opened the front door but couldn't stop herself from turning around, Jiwan was still on the floor, staring desperately at Sol, silently begging her to stay.

Sol just gave Jiwan a smile, as genuine as she could manage, a thank you, goodbye, I love you, and I'm sorry, wordlessly packaged up into a tiny, heart shattering, gesture that meant the end for Sol and Jiwan's fairytale

"No, Sol, Please. Please don't leave" Jiwan tried. One last time

Sol walked out the door, softly closing it behind her

"I need you, Yun Sol" Jiwan whispered, hoping that maybe, just maybe, Sol heard it, and would come home soon


a/n: thanks for reading!! have a good rest of your day <3

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