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Outfit reference used later in the chapter^

Billie's Pov

I've always found books about humans very interesting. I love learning about them and the way they do things. They looked so similar, yet different from us. They're ears aren't pointy. They grow hair in places other than they're head and face. They're bones break, I found that very odd.

I really want to know as much as I can about humans, but my father hates them. He's taken every single book on humans he has seen me with. Luckily, I hid a few.

My father says humans are vicious creatures who kill us and feast on our blood.
I don't think that's true.

Sure, there was a big war between our kinds a couple hundred years ago, but people can change. I once read about something called a hug, where humans wrap their arms around each other and squeeze to show affection, I think that's adorable. We don't do that here. If I were to, someone would think I was attacking them and probably kill me.

The sound of footsteps catches my attention and I quickly pull the covers from over my head and slid the book under my bed. I get back under the blanket pretending to be asleep.

I hear the door creak open and a hand shake my shoulder. I stretch my hands out yawning and turn over to see my older brother looking down at me.

"Good morning, Finneas," I say with a smile. "Good morning, Billie," he says returning the grin. He walks over to my window and pulls back the cloth. "How'd you sleep?" He asks, his eyes flickering from me to under my bed. I smile and roll my eyes. "I sleep pretty good actually. Just got up a bit early to read some more before breakfast."

"Well get dressed and come down. You have school in a bit," He says walking out and closing the door.

I get up and stretch a bit more and internally groan. I hate school. No one talks to me except my two best friends, Zoe and Drew. Everyone else tries to stay as far away from me as possible like I have some kind of sickness.

Some kid came up to me the other day and said their parents said I was a monster who shouldn't even exist.

I get that my hair is a different color than everyone else's, but that doesn't make me a monster. My powers aren't as developed as everyone's, but I'm still trying.

I shake my head, as if it would get me to stop thinking about the negative things people say about me. I open my closet doors deciding on a white dress with flowers and red lace. 

I get dressed and brush my hair, then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I dip my toothbrush in the crushed mint leaves and brush.I rinse my mouth and head back to my room and put all my books in my bag.

I leave the room, but turn around remembering my ring, I go back and grab it off my desk. My father made me this ring, he said it helps my powers grow. I know it works, it has to. My dads the most powerful elf in our village. If he can't make a power boosting ring, no one can.

I head downstairs to see my mother setting bowls on the table. "Good morning, mother," I say setting down my bag and sitting in the wooden chair. " Good morning, Billie," she smiles and puts some cut up apples into my bowl. "How'd you sleep?" I ask taking a bite of one of the slices. "Well enough. You?" "I slept good," she nods and starts washing the dishes.

My father comes into the room and sits in his chair at the end of the table. "Good morning papa," he just grunts and nods.

I feel as if my father is ashamed of me. I guess I understand him, being the most powerful elf and having a basically powerless daughter would be embarrassing. I just wish he loved me as much as he did everyone else.

I sigh and eat the last of my apples. I stand up and grab my bag "I'm gonna head to school. Love you guys," everyone says it back but my dad. Typical.

I open the door and as soon as I do I hit something, making a loud thump sound. I gasp and close the door seeing Drew on her butt in the dirt. " Oh my gosh. Drew, I'm so sorry," I say helping her up. She laughs as I do and dusts off her pants "it's fine, it's fine. I'm ok,". I look at her confused "how are you laughing? I just nocked you onto your butt,"

She laughs harder, holding inter her stomach "I don't know. It actually really hurt," I snicker and start laughing with her. "What are you weirdos laughing about?" Zoe asks as she walks up to us. We look at each other then look at Zoe and start laughing again. Zoe rolls her eyes and smiles. "Come on losers, we're gonna be late,"

"Billie, hop on," Zoe says. I climb onto her back and she holds my legs and we start to fly to school. Do to me not having fully developed powers, I can't fly yet unfortunately. I'm happy to have such great friends who don't care about whats different about me.

Drew almost hit a tree on the way, but we made it. Zoe slowly lands and I get off her back. I fix my dress a bit and we walk into the building.

As soon as we walk into the school a balled up piece of paper hit me in my head. I look at who threw it. It boy surrounded by his friends, they were all clapping for him . I feel something inside me get heated up and my hands felt warm and sweaty and my ring started to slip. "Dude what the fuck!" Zoe yells at the guys. I fix my ring and the heated feeling goes away and my eyes start to water. I'm so sensitive it's embarrassing.

Drew grabs my hand and leads me away from the yelling. We go to the bathroom and my tears flow down my cheeks. She looks at me with empathy. "I'm sorry about all this Billie. People are just.... jerks. You're an amazing person and they don't even deserve to look at you." The corners of my mouth slowly turn up into a smile. She always knows how to make me feel better.

"Thank you," she grins "No problem,". Zoe enters the bathroom and immediately looks at me with a sad smile "I'm sorry about all that," "It's okay. Thank you for sticking up for me," she taps my nose and winks "Anytime,"

I chuckle and we head to class. " I almost forgot. Are you excited for your mating ceremony today Zoe?" She shivers " Ugh don't remind me,"

"But shouldn't you be excited? You're gonna meet your life long soulmate," Drew asks. " I mean I am, I guess, but im nervous."

"Who do you think you're mate is gonna be?" Zoe shrugs " I know who I'm hoping it is," "Who?" Zoe looks a Drew and quickly looks away with slightly pink cheeks. " N-no one. Don't worry about it."

Drew looks down sadly. How did she not notice the way Zoe reacted! Gosh these guys are so clueless. How do I know they like each other but they don't.

I sigh and open the door to nature class. We take our seats at the back table. "Good morning class. Today we we will be learning about the powers of mushrooms."



Hellooo. This chapter is a bit basic but I just want to warm you guys up for all the crazy things to come. This book has a really good story line so please stay and read. Love you all!

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