♧◇☆♡~Our Protagonist~♡☆◇♧

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Our lovely V-tuber Protagonist, (Name)!

(So for this I have a specific thought in mind so sorry, if you don't like/know/or played any of the games, sorry in advance!)

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(So for this I have a specific thought in mind so sorry, if you don't like/know/or played any of the games, sorry in advance!)

-Has that Witchy/spooky/ Big sis vibe/Astectic 👀

-Newly turned 19yr

-Faceless, kinda like Corpse and SilverVale in the aspect

-Streams Cutesy/Calm games, sometimes Horror but not alot of the time

-Had her V-tuber model and outfits made by a good friend

-Does tarot Cards sometimes

-Has a soft calm voice (could be a milf voice, could not be your choice 👀)

-Wanted/Wants her Streams to be a calm, safe place for people to relax and enjoy, thus her V-tuber Streams were born

-You will be seeing some of her family soon👀

-You will be seeing some of her family soon👀

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(Her Stream layout ✨)

-Calls her stream chat her 'witchlings'

-She won't tolerate any hate or nasty words in her Streams

-She has a po box where she get stuff that people send, fanart, art or crystal's, and jewelry and sometimes clothes too

~Tiefling~ (Platonic! CORPSE HUSBAND X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now