Chapter 1

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Josuke couldn't help but dissociate whenever he was in algebra class. It wasn't that he didn't like maths; he was one of the few people who enjoyed the math exam. He even liked explaining the homework to his classmates.

But something was missing whenever he came to room 209. Or, someone, maybe. Okuyasu decided he didn't want to take math anymore, so he always ditched classes. Josuke tried to convince him to stay, but he just shook his head.

"Sorry Josuke, I'm just not good at it."

Okuyasu rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly

"I'm not very smart, remember?"

It irritated Josuke.

How could he ditch me like that? That jerk.

Koichi wasn't in the same class as him, so Josuke sat alone at the back of the classroom.

He stared out the window. The branches of the ginkgo tree brushed against the glass, its dying leaves enveloping the ground beneath it. It was so close to the window that Josuke could clearly see the rough texture of its branches, and the ants that crawled along it. He found watching them relaxing. Their lives seemed so simple, they never had to think for themselves.

Josuke smirked.

Sounds a little like someone I know doesn't it?

He blushed. Groaning, he buried his head into his notebook.

Oh no, not this again.

Why, why was he like this? Everything he looked at reminded him of his best friend. Nowhere was safe, not even at the back of the math class.

Come on Josuke, it's been months, why are you still thinking about him like that?

He sighed. Ever since Okuyasu almost got killed by Kira, Josuke couldn't get him out of his head. He wondered where Okuyasu was, who he was with, if he'd been eating enough; the list went on and on. At first he thought it was because he cared about him as a friend, but, a couple months ago, the thoughts changed.

Does he think about me? Does he have a girlfriend? Would he mind if we...

He always stopped that thought, scared of what his brain would come up with. He loved Okuyasu, sure, but, no way did he think of him as more of a friend.


The bell rang, interrupting his thoughts. He never felt so grateful for that stupid bell in his life

He quickly got up from his seat and started walking out the door, his heart pounding in his chest.

Oh boy, Okuyasu is gonna show up any minute now.

His breathing started getting shallow.

Just calm down, calm down Josuke, there's nothing to worry about. There's nothing-

"Oi Josuke! Why are you walking so fast man?"

Josuke froze. His best friend quickly catched up to him.

"Hey man, let's go to Tonio's today! I'm starving"

Okuyasu had a huge grin on his face. Josuke loved to see that adorable smile, it made him want to take his best friend in his arms and never let him go. Blushing, Josuke turned away from Okuyasu.

"Y-yeah, sure, but I ain't paying though"

"Huuuuhhh, you jerk."

They began walking to the Italian restaurant together, leaving Koichi behind with Yukako. 

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