Chapter 16 (end)

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Once their exams were over, Josuke and Okuyasu had graduated from Morioh High School. To everyone's surprise, Okuyasu managed a C average in his finals. His green blob of a father cried tears of joy when he found out the news, hugging his son tightly as they both cried together. It made Josuke really happy.

That studying did work after all.

After that Josuke managed to get into the University of Tokyo to study criminal law, while Okuyasu worked at the restaurant nearby. They rented a small apartment together, his mother coming over at least once a month to bring gifts or to clean up the place, despite Josuke telling her not to worry about it. Joseph and Okuyasu's dad called regularly too. Koichi and Yukako visited often, as Koichi also managed to get in for English Studies.

After Josuke got his degree and finished his police academy training, he moved to a slightly bigger apartment in the middle of Tokyo. It wasn't much; just a bigger kitchen, bedroom and bathroom; but he loved it.

Josuke's eyes opened groggily, looking at the clock beside his futon. 10am.

Thankfully it's Saturday.

Josuke sighed, turning to the other side that faced away from the window. The sound of romantic music and the smell of something cooking made him open his eyes again. The bedroom door was slightly open, which faced towards the kitchen. Josuke grinned. He got up, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, and walked over to the man in front of the stove, wrapping his arms around the smaller man's waist.

"Good morning~"

Josuke gave Okuyasu a kiss on the cheek. Okuyasu blushed, leaning into Josuke. Josuke looked down at the stove.

"What are you making babe?"

Okuyasu turned his head towards Josuke's, a wide grin on his face.

"It's a new recipe I came up with, you take an omelette and add some smoked fish inside with some peppers and stuff."

Josuke placed his head on Okuyasu's shoulder, nodding.

"That's nice hun."

"Yeah, the manager made me in charge of coming up with something new, so I was like, 'okay gimme a couple days' and came up with this"

Josuke chuckled, pulling his body closer to Okuyasu's. He was so cute when he's passionate about something. Okuyasu, suddenly remembering that he actually wanted to surprise Josuke, removed his boyfriends arms from his waist and started pushing him back to the room, pouting.

"This was supposed to be a surprise dummy, go back to bed."

Josuke started laughing.

"Alright alright I'm walking back. Just don't take too long~"

Okuyasu dramatically slammed the bedroom door. Josuke walked over to the cupboard, making sure that his gift was secure behind the pile of clothes. When Okuyasu opened the door, Josuke quickly rushed back to the futon, acting nonchalant. Okuyasu had 3 separate dishes on a silver platter, smiling proudly. Josuke pretended to look surprised.

"Awwww for me? You shouldn't have babe."

Okuyasu placed it down in front of Josuke.

"Oh wait Josuke I forgot to give you this."

Okuyasu pulled a red rose out of his dirty apron pocket. Now Josuke was actually surprised, blushing shyly as he took it from Okuyasu. Okuyasu seemed super proud of himself now. Josuke sat down and took some of the tornado omelette, dipping it in the sauce next to it. He took a big bite, eyes widening.

"This tastes amazing!"

Okuyasu grinned.

"Hehe seeee, I knew you'd like it. The omelette style actually originated in Korea so that's maybe why you've never seen this kind of one before."

Josuke nodded appreciatively, taking another big bite.

"So I hope my manager is gonna like it. Oh also-"

Okuyasu leaned near Josuke, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy 7 year anniversary Josuke."

Josuke was smiling like crazy.

"Hey look at you, you remembered!"

Okuyasu playfully hit Josuke's shoulder.

"Hey I always remember, you're the one who sometimes forgets."

Josuke chuckled, knowing it was true. Okuyasu would never hear him say this though.

"You know, I didn't forget this year. I got you something too hun."

Josuke got up and walked towards the cupboard, pulling out a small box from inside. He sat back down on the messy futon, right next to Okuyasu. Josuke opened the box to reveal a set of rings. They were silver, with a thin line of diamonds surrounding the centre. Okuyasu's heart skipped a beat.


Josuke gently held Okuyasu's left hand, slipping the ring onto Okuyasu's ring finger, then doing the same for himself. Okuyasu stared at the ring, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked over at Josuke, who had been staring at him, a warm smile etched on Josuke's face. Josuke turned his gaze away sheepishly.

"I'm sorry I didn't get this for you sooner. I've wanted to for years now, but I could never find the perfect set."

Josuke tenderly took Okuyasu's hand with both of his, rubbing them with his thumbs. His heart was pounding in his chest.

"Okuyasu...I-I want you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Okuyasu stared at him in amazement, unable to think of what to say. Josuke gulped, bravely continuing on.

"And, well, I just-"

He took one of his hands off Okuyasu's hand, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"-well, we can't legally do it, but-"

He grabbed Okuyasu's hand with his other one again, staring into Okuyasu's eyes with a determined look on his face. His cheeks were beet red.

"-w-will you marry me, Okuyasu?"

Okuyasu didn't reply. Josuke sighed, turning his head away from Okuyasu.

"I-I know this is sudden, I'm sor-"


Josuke swerved his head back at Okuyasu, who was blushing just as much as Josuke. Josuke swore he saw tears in Okuyasu's eyes.

"Y-yes, of course I will marry you."

Josuke started crying, a wide smile spreading on his face. Okuyasu grabbed him, wrapping his arms around Josuke's neck, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I love you Josuke..."

Josuke felt like the luckiest man alive. He wrapped his arms around Okuyasu's waist, gripping on for dear life. His voice was shaky as the tears flowed freely from his eyes.

"I love you too, Okuyasu..."

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