n i n e

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n e m e s i s

"Kiss me and take off your clothes. Imagine a world like that. We go like up till I'm asleep on your chest. Love how my face fits so good in your neck."

. . .

Later that night, I'm scrolling through my pictures on my camera when I stumble upon one I took of Alessio.

I bite my lip when I gaze into his beautiful eyes and let out a sigh in content. I put my camera down and stare up at the ceiling, wondering how it must feel to have his arms wrapped around me.

He would softly stroke my face and whisper sweet nothings to me – I mean, he has comforted me too many times, but not the way I wanted.

I wonder how it must be to live with him. Would he cook for Ruby? Would he pay attention to his kids? He seems like an amazing father.

I close my eyes and imagine him holding me and comforting me when I'm sad. The memories of him saving me enter my mind again. He took such good care of me – Ruby too, of course, but Alessio's concern was so much different.

It's addictive, even.

I turn on my side and stare at the wall, thinking about the way he cleaned my wound. He was so... gentle. I needed that after the attack of those awful men.

He was right there when I needed him. The corner of my lip twitches up at the memory.

Ruby is so lucky. I don't understand how she can't be satisfied with someone like Alessio.

He seems a great husband. So caring, compassionate, and charming.

I understand why she fell in love with him.

Now, I at least know how it feels when he kisses someone. His lips are so soft, yet so rough in the same way. He knows how to make any girl melt.

Knowing it's the biggest sin I can commit, I turn over in bed and bite my lip as I slowly trail my hand down my body, and imagine it's Alessio whose fingers are pleasuring me instead of mine.

Knowing it's the biggest sin I can commit, I turn over in bed and bite my lip as I slowly trail my hand down my body, and imagine it's Alessio whose fingers are pleasuring me instead of mine

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When I walk downstairs the next day and go into the kitchen, I see one of my brother's friends sitting on the counter, typing away on her phone.

"Hey Lisa," I smile, and she looks up to return the smile I'm giving her. "Hey Nemesis, how are you?" she asks and takes a sip of her water. "Fine, I guess," I shrug, "And you?"

"Great," she smiles, "Matthew and I are about to head over to a friend's house, want to come?"

I think about it but then decline. "No, thank you. I need to study and focus on college," I reply. She nods.

"Alright, I understand. Well, enjoy studying," she chuckles, and I join her.

"Enjoy your afternoon," I call out to her when I see her walking towards the hall.

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