Act 5-3 the Good Life

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My eyes begin to focus on the ceiling fan spinning above as cool air radiates around me, pulling me away from the dream world. I tug the covers back up and roll onto my side before becoming dangerously aware of the situation, everything freezing solid as my eyes center on the girl before me.

The sheets do nothing to hide her form -- a pair of wide, sensuous hips curving into a slim waist and up along a pair of bare, feminine shoulders peeking from the thin cloth. She shifts around for a moment before giving a drowsy sigh, still within sleep's firm grasp as she snuggles her head against the pillow .

A mound of disheveled blonde hair sits atop her head, idle locks poking out here and there. My hand moves on its own at the sight of it, stroking a short lock before ever so slightly ruffling her hair. As soon as I try to move my other arm, however, I realize that it's under her pillow and is currently numb.

It's in this moment that I'm met with a strange clarity, the memory of everything that happened last night playing in my head. Where our lips touched, where her fingers went, the feeling of her skin against my palms, the weight of her figure pressing down against my hips, the...

Oh, I'm still naked.

I don't really know what to feel. Happiness and even bliss come to mind, but there's definitely some uncertainty and, considering a certain moment near the end of our act, shame.

The feelings of drowsiness continue to cling to me, however. Even though her bedside clock would indicate that it's already ten in the morning, I still feel almost totally drained from last night -- the fact that there's an alarm set makes me wonder just what time Akira intended to wake up.

I'm not sure if it has more to do my heart condition, or if it's just because Akira is so... wild? I think that's a pretty good word for it, and for all I know she was restraining herself.

With that in mind, I begin to get a feel for all of the dried sweat and 'other fluids' that have clung to my body, and the need to take a bath takes priority over the need to scoot closer and wrap my arms around the woman in front of me.

I sit up, taking extra care not to disturb her as I slide my arm out from under her pillow and wiggle out of the bed carefully, bit by bit to keep from disturbing her. The door is already ajar and the hinges go without squeaking as I sneak my way out of the room, feeling stranger than ever as I creep through her apartment without any clothes on.

All it takes is one turn and a few steps to make it to her bathroom, letting the tub fill up as I take a quick shower in the clouded-glass cubicle beside the bath. Her bathroom is more western-styled than anything -- I feel more like I'm in an expensive hotel.

The warm water cascades over my head and down my body as my mind drifts.

What is there to do now? Where do we go from here? If the budding relationship weren't enough, I also have to get ready to meet her father. How do you prepare to meet your significant other's parents?

On top of that, I still need to figure out how I'm gonna balance all this. Luckily I don't have to go into work today, but I am missing class right now, as well as a pretty important quiz. As much as I'd like for this to be an everyday experience, I don't know if my grades could handle it - much less my heart.

I've already had one scare from last night alone. I'm going to have to play it safe until I can get back to my room today, seeing as how, without my medication, my chest is practically a timer with a number I can't figure out.

Steam begins to gather around me as my finger glides over the scarring on my sternum. I'm beginning to feel like it's been there forever, even though it's only been a little over half a year. Granted, four months of it was spent in the hospital, but it's still unnerving how easily I've adjusted to the thing that both caused it and can happen again without much agitation.

Katawa Shoujo - Akira Satou RouteWhere stories live. Discover now