To Hogwarts He Goes

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Eleven year old Grant Dart stood in line waiting for his turn to be sorted by the sorting hat.

His glamours were firmly in place, as was assured by his father.

Nobody could know what he was, for humans fear what they don't understand, and kill what they fear.

Grant adjusted the glasses on his face nervously and combed through his ebony hair with his fingers. Then, he fiddled with his robe.

His cat, Sarafina, sat next to his side, licking her orange paw.

"Adams, Brent!", was called out.

"Hufflepuff!", the hat shouted.

The Hufflepuff table clapped and cheered for their newest member.

"Adams, Shelby!"

"Slytherin!", the hat shouted.

"Bailey, Polly!"


Finally, it was Grant's turn.

"Dart, Grant!"

Shaking slightly, Grant sat on the stool and had the hat placed on his head.

Hmm, you have secrets. You are half snake, and speak parsletounge. You're also very ambitious. You would do well in the house of snakes. However, you are caring, and loyal. You would do so well in Hufflepuff too. Where to put you?

After some thinking, the hat called out "Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table erupted in applause.

Grant walked towards the Slytherin table.

As he sat down, a girl with blonde curly hair, freckles, and brown eyes sat next to him. She looked to be about fifteen years old.

"Welcome to Slytherin! My name is Cecile McKinny. Don't worry, not everyone in Slytherin are rude blockheads. Some of us are quite open minded. Except Brutus, Lucius, Gretchen, Fiona, Paisley, and Fletcher. They are all bullies.", Cecile said, pointing to each individual person.

Brutus had short, curly brown hair, and crooked teeth. Gretchen and Fiona were identical twins. They both had straight red hair. Fiona had bulky, square eyeglasses, and Gretchen didn't. Paisley had black hair and blue eyes. Her nose was a perfect size, she had full lips, and long lashes. If she weren't a jerk, Grant was sure he would have had a crush on her. Fletcher was skinny, with long black hair that went all the way to his shoulders. He was tan with freckles on his nose. His eyes were a deep honey color. Across his nose he wore a pair of reading glasses, and he had a book called 'Creatures of the Dark' in hand.

"They are all anti-Muggle idiots. They hate Muggle borns too. What are your thoughts on Muggles and Muggle borns?", asked Cecile.

"I think that you shouldn't judge anyone. Muggles and muggle borns have good and bad people, just like any wizard or witch.", Grant said loudly. He didn't care if anyone heard.

"That's good. It really hurts when they make those comments. I'm a muggle born.", Cecile said.

"What about you?", Cecile asked.

Before he could get an answer, Paisley came up and dumped a bag of trash on Cecile's head.

"There, now you're with your family again. Trash.", she said, snickering.

Most of the Slytherin table erupted with laughter, but a few of its inhabitants glared at Paisley.

A boy from the Hufflepuff table came over and took Cecile away, muttering comforting words to her. He had blonde hair with large, square glasses, and crooked bucked teeth.

Grant grit his teeth in anger, and had to will his venomous fangs not to come out.

"So, what is your social status? From what I'm sure everyone in the Great Hall has heard, I think you're a stupid little mudblood just like your stupid little mudblood friend.", Brutus asked, spitting the word mudblood like it tasted bad in his mouth.

"None of your bloody business.", Grant said smoothly.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to finish eating.", he continued.

"Why you filthy little mudblood!", Brutus said angrily. He stood up and shoved his hands on the table, causing the table and everything on it to rattle.

"Now now, let's not get too upset.", a girl wrapped her arms around Brutus's neck.

She had chocolate brown hair and her curls fell to her shoulders and down her back. Her face was round and blemish free. Her cheeks were rosy, and her green eyes sparkled with hidden intelligence.

"Hello, I'm Grant Dart. How do you do?", Grant held out his hand for a handshake, trying his best to be polite.

The girl looked at his hand with disdain, and didn't attempt to shake it.

"Rosy McDonald.", she said curtly as she glared at him.

"She is my girlfriend.", Brutus said.

"Good for you.", Grant said sarcastically.

A rattle was heard from his pocket as the rattlesnake he had smuggled here rattled her tail angrily at being confined.

"What did he say to you? I heard aggression in his voice.", she hissed.

"What was that?! I heard hissing!", Brutus shouted.

Grant quickly hushed the snake, and gently pushed her back in his pocket before anyone could see her.

"Must have been your mother calling you.", Grant quipped.

It was silent for a second before most of the Slytherin table burst into laughter.

Brutus's face was bright red, and he muttered angrily.

"Stupid mudblood.", Brutus said.

"I better go check on Cecile.", thought Grant.

Grant made his way to the Hufflepuff table, where Cecile sat crying on the shoulder of the boy from before.

"Cecile, are you okay?", Grant asked.

Cecile looked up slowly, and nodded.

"I will be. I just hate those jerks so much.", she said.

"I know. I do too.", said Grant.

"Who is this?", the boy next to Cecile asked.

"Oh! Nathan, this is Grant. Grant, this is my best friend, Nathan Abernathy.", Cecile said.

"Nice to meet you.", Grant said, holding out his hand for a handshake.

Nathan studied Grant's hand warily.

Grant was about to put his hand back down, when Nathan shook it, smiling.

"As Cecile said, my name is Nathan, but I prefer to be called Nate. Nice to meet ya!", said Nathan, now dubbed Nate.

Grant smiled back at Nate and Cecile.

Maybe going to Hogwarts wouldn't be so horrible after all, as long as he had friends to be there with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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