chapter 1~WHAT!

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( though this video was funny so I linked it 😂)

warning~ bad grammar and spelling

Loki and Sylvie stood in front of the mansion "aren't you gonna tell me to kick the door in?" Sylvie said in a harsh but soft voice. Loki waited a minute and then responded "it wouldn't have made a difference" "well if it's a bad idea I prefer you speak your mind" "no. Nothing to say" "that'll be the first" Sylvie terns at stares at the door as does Loki. Sylvie clears her throat. Loki looks at Sylvie slightly concerned "are you ok" he says in a slightly soft voice. Sylvie then faces Loki and speaks "yea just need a moment" "right. It's just normally-" "Loki shut up. I was pruned before you even existed I have been waiting for this moment my entire life I just need a second to get my head straight ok?" "Sure. Of course" Sylvie looks at the door again and after a couple of seconds, it opens by its self.

Loki and Sylvie slowly walk into the mansion and the door closes behind them. Sylvie was gripping onto the handle of her dagger. They slowly walk-in "hay yall-" miss minutes piped out of know where ( scaring the readers 😃) Sylvie and Loki get their daggers out and ready pointing it towards miss minutes "you again" Sylvie speaks up. "Welcome to the citadel at the end of time" miss minutes says "come on" Loki whisper to Sylvie "congratulations y'all had an awful journey here. He's impressed" "whos impressed?" Sylvie said in a demanding voice. "He who remains" miss minutes said. " and who is he?" Loki says in a slightly ruff voice.

"he created all and controls all. in the end, it is only he who remains, and he wants to offer you a deal. He has been making a few creative agistments, and he has worked it out so he can reinsert both of yall back into the timeline in a way that won't disrupt things." Loki and Sylvie look at each other still holding up their daggers at miss minutes and look back to miss minutes then Sylvie spoke "that won't disrupt things?" " mmmm hmmm. the TVA can keep doing its vital work, and yall can live the life's you always wanted." "and what have we always wanted?" Loki spoke.

"now don't play coy with me, mister. you know how you got into this mess." "what?" " The battle of new york, silly. you versus all those self-righteous avengers. how would you like to win? but not just there. you can kill Thanos. You want the infinity gantlet? yours. throne of Asgard. no problem. what about you missy. all those years on the run. desperate, alone. how would you like to wake up in a lifetime of just happy memories? two lokis in the same place" Loki and Sylvie were thinking hard you could tell by the look on their face. "both of us... together " Loki looked at Sylvie "on a timeline" Sylvie looked at Loki. miss minutes spoke "it's crazy but he could make it work." they both turn to face miss minutes. "All of it, everything. exactly the way you have always wanted, and you can have it all together" (this is where it gets different btw).

Loki and Sylvie look at each other and back at miss minutes Loki and Sylvie spoke at the same time "yes" "its fiction" they turned back and looked at each other and screamed "WHAT" at the same time "you can't possibly be considering this" Sylvie said quite annoyed "why not the TVA won't bother us anymore, we could have anything we want, we could rule Asgard together, you could meet my brother thor and you won't have to run from the TVA anymore." Loki steps closer it Sylvie and takes her hands in his. "we can live a happy life, together with no TVA bothering us" Loki looked into Sylvie's eyes and could see that she was sad but he still spoke up " we shall take your offer but we want something else to" Loki said letting go of Sylvie's hands and facing miss minutes. "sure and what is that?" miss minutes said oh so insistently little did she know that he was about to say next.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter this is my first story so It might not be the best but hope you like it. It took me 4 hours to write. Let me know if you have any ideas for this story.  My Instagram is the same username as this account if you wanna follow that and know when I'm updating xxx 

What if Loki and Sylvie said yes to miss minutes?Where stories live. Discover now