chapter 4~ "so anyone up for a drink?"

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(this chapter will be Sylvie's pov)

(warning, spelling, and grammar is really bad as I am trusting Grammarly and didn't check myself cos I'm too tired rn)


Sylvie's POV

I was waiting for what felt like hours in the room I locked myself and a few others in, some creatures did come in and check to see if anyone was there but I cast an invisibility spell so we weren't seen. After a little while, I could hear some painful screams, I ran out of the room and saw Loki.

Standing there...

With some? Big metal glove on his hand? with glowing stones inside.

Loki stood there holding thanos and his team in the air choking them with some blue fore that I'm not sure how to describe? He has the infinity stones?! how did he get them? To be honest  its some what frightening to see how much power he has with them well I will never let him know that I ever thought that, but I wonder what I could do with that kind of power.

All of a sudden Loki drops them to the ground when you can see that there definitely dead, and all the Asgardians come out from hiding.

"So, anyone up for a drink?" Loki said as of he didn't just take down thanos and his fucking gang or what ever you call it.

there was a moment of silence.

(hope you enjoyed this chapter I enjoyed writing it. Sorry its so short and sorry for the delay I had to change the plan I had for the story cos some how all of my plans got thrown away cos I write mine on paper anyway ill make sure to keep them more safe next time lmao hope you guys enjoyed hopefully the next chapter wont take as long to be posted) 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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