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A N G E L  💓

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A N G E L  💓

When we arrived at my house, I noticed Manny parked in the driveway. He was sitting on his car's trunk, playing on his phone. I pulled up behind him and turned off the engine. Everyone exited, and the Miguel guy approached Manny and they began hugging. Rubi looked at me as they began speaking in Spanish.

She threw her hands up in surrender. "I swear I can't take any more of this shit. I'm going to get some sleep because my head hurts from what we did tonight."

She entered the house and shut the door. Miguel and Manny continue to converse in Spanish, but I'm about to cut them off because Manny and I need to talk about why he made me pick up his friend who escaped from prison. He put my life in jeopardy. Me and Rubi could have gone to prison for hiding an inmate.

He puts my life in jeopardy all the time, but this one seems to be bigger than the others because my sister is with me.

I made them stop talking by snapping my fingers. "Aye, are you all done?"

He gave me a straight glance before turning around to face Miguel. "Go inside and wash up. Let me handle this right quick."

Manny was dapped up by Miguel. "Sure, homie. Thank you for your help mamacita."

When Miguel called me mamacita, I rolled my eyes at him. I'm going to hit him in the throat just for that.

Miguel closed the door behind himself. Manny shifted his gaze to me, a solemn expression on his face. I drew my arms together and cocked my head to the side.

"Why didn't you tell me I had to pick up someone who had escaped from prison?" In a very smart tone, I inquired.

He smirked and shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't think it was necessary for you to know."

I gave him a puzzled look. "You didn't think it was necessary? Did you know I ran into a roadblock and the car was being searched by police officers?"

He shrugged his shoulders once more. "Ok. So?"

"Ok so, if they had caught him in the car, I may have gone to prison. Not only could I have gone to prison, but my sister could have as well." In a rage, I said.

He laughed as he stroked his chin. "You really think you special huh?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Obviously I am since you always tell me to do shit for you. You need me."

He drew nearer to me and looked me in the eyes. "I don't need you. To me, you're nothing more than a charity case."

I clenched my jaw as I stared at him. "You know what Manny fuck you," I shouted this as I pushed him away from me. "And your homie could have washed his nasty ass at your house."

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