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I finally left work. I felt so tensed up and horrible from all the negativity that was built up inside of me. And I knew just the way to relax myself. I went to the bathroom and took my clothes off, entering the shower. I always showered when something felt off, it's my way of coping with stuff. I turn the water on and feel the water drops on my skin. God it felt so good, so good I could almost squirt everywhere. I closed my eyes and further more enjoyed my shower until I heard someone knocking on the door. Shit! He's already home?! It was my boyfriend , and I hadn't expected him to come home this early. I mean, it was only 5pm. "Yes?", I ask. "Babe can I come in? I need to wash my hands.", "Sure!", I yell back quickly getting out of the shower and putting my clothes on. We were only together for a year and we've never had sex before. I'm just insecure about my body, but he respects that and doesn't cross my boundaries. I wrapped a towel around myself and opened the door. "Thanks.", he said and went inside. "Having a rough time, babe?", I nodded. He came up to me and cupped my cheeks."It's alright, you don't have to tell me what it's about.", he said and pulled me into a kiss. I decided this was the right moment, I knew how to relieve my stress in a better way. I started kissing him rougher and rougher. He pulls away. "Holy shit Y/N! You've never been like that!". I tug at his shirt. "Fuck me. Now.", I said in a demanding voice. He'd already gotten the message and seemed to get hard by my dominance. Or well at least will. He pulls my towel off and starts admiring my body. "You're a fucking goddess", he says. I started kissing him again growing needier and needier. I pull off his pants and grip his boxers. I decided it was better to tease him first, than to give him the real thing. I mean, isn't that what everyone else does? I started palming him and he whimpers in my ear. Holy shit it was hot. I palm him for the next few minutes until he grabs by hands and pushes me to the wall. "We're going to the shower, I know just the way to relieve you.", he said and dragged me into the bathroom. He pushes me into the shower and takes the rest of his clothes off. I admire his toned abs and don't notice that I've been staring at him. "You wanna touch it?", he said making me nervous. He picks me up and grips my waist tightly. We make out for a few minutes and as soon as we pull away there's a string of spit connecting our mouths. Kinda disgusting but I was over it as soon as he positioned himself to my entrance. He gave me the "are you ready?" look and I nodded. He started thrusting into me and I couldn't help but moan loudly. God I feel bad for the neighbors. I subconsciously clench around him, making him ecstatically moan. I notice his thrusts became sloppier and suddenly felt a warm liquid fill me up. Soon after I came and collapsed. I couldn't walk on my own, and holy shit, I should be stressed more often. He helped me clean up and then carried me to our bed and gave me a kiss goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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