Shadows of Fear

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ARC1/CHP5: Shadows of Fear

As they gazed towards the doorway, they beheld Jungkook's imposing presence, his unyielding glare causing the room to erupt in a state of panic and nervousness.

"K-Kook, it's not our fault," Taehyung stammered, avoiding eye contact as he scratched the back of his neck. "Jin hyung asked us to come with him."

"Y-yeah, that's right," J-Hope chimed in, his voice quivering with apprehension.

"We didn't even know where he was taking us," Suga added nonchalantly, trying to seem unfazed by the situation.

"Traitors," Jin muttered under his breath.

Namjoon remained silent, choosing not to risk Jin's wrath. The others quickly shifted the blame onto Jin, before scurrying away.

"Hyung, I'll pretend I didn't see anything. So, go on, I'll have a word with the boy," Jungkook said, his tone devoid of emotion as he looked into his hyung's eyes.

"Kook, don't you dare..." Jin started but was cut off by Jungkook.

"Hyung," he said firmly. "Out."

With that, Jin was promptly escorted out, too intimidated to challenge the situation, leaving Jungkook alone with the boy who still stood awkwardly in the center of the room, visibly shaking and with tears streaming down his face.

The intense gaze from Jungkook made the boy flinch. he approached him, placing his index finger under the boy's chin and tilting his head upwards, holding his gaze intently for several moments before speaking.

"Look me in the eyes," Jungkook commanded, his voice deep and authoritative."You don't want me to get angry, do you?"

"N-no, I'm s-sorry," the boy stuttered, barely able to keep eye contact with the boss.

" I said look at my eyes when I'm talking to you," he demanded, his voice carrying a warning tone. The boy was too afraid to disobey and raised his gaze to meet Jungkook's.

"That's better. Since I gave my word to Jin hyung, I won't hurt you yet. But let's make a deal," Jungkook stated, his eyes never leaving the boy.

"W-what d-deal?" the boy asked, hope in his voice.

" I'll allow you to ask two questions, but in return, you must promise to not escape and to answer any questions I have for you after two days. If you don't, you'll face the consequences, and I assure you, they won't be pleasant."

"P-p-p-promise," stuttered Jimin, trembling as he tried to maintain a steady gaze.

"Promise what, beautiful?" inquired the boss, his finger tracing the outline of Jimin's jaw as he tenderly stroked his hair with his other hand.

"I-I p-promise to answer all y-your questions a-and not to flee. I h-h-haven't got a-anywhere else to g-go, anyway," Jimin muttered unsteadily, hoping that his final words would go unnoticed. But the boss heard them clearly and felt as though his heart had shattered, yet he quickly suppressed the feeling, cognizant of the fact that it violated his code to feel anything.

"Excellent. Now, ask your questions and try to overcome your stutter. Your stammering is getting on my nerves" growled Jungkook, growing increasingly annoyed by Jimin's halting speech.

"S-s-sorry. I'll do my best. I j-just don't m-m-mingle with people m-much and I'm f-frightened," Jimin said, his voice shaking less as he was comforted by the boss's gentle touch.

"That's better. Ask away. I don't have an abundance of time," the boss commanded sternly.

"W-w-why am I here and w-who are you?" Jimin questioned swiftly, eager to conclude the tribulation.

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