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OKAY so this is becoming more like an actual plot-story instead of focusing on the relationship at hand like the majority of the chapters, but the smut-theme will always be evident somewhere:

 The next morning you wake slightly late, though the sky is an icy hue, dimmer than most mornings. Your hip and elbow still aches dully, more uncomfortable when you throw your blankets off and tumble out of bed. While you stretch, you take in the empty hammocks surrounding you and bite your lip, remembering everything the night before. Your cheeks feel stiff from the dried tears that never seemed to cease leaking from your eyes, and you wish you had Gally's arms around you.

 His face, sullen and hostile towards you, sticks in your mind along with the refusal to even comfort you or make an effort to push your accusations aside. A new pain in your chest throbs, your arms cold without his wrapped around you, but you keep pushing on, tying your hair up to prepare for a day with Frypan.

 You get your fruit breakfast late and promptly leave to get Frypan's order of the herbs you lied about retrieving yesterday during your sadness, the sounds from inside the maze much louder from your close proximity to the maze walls on your way to the trees. A sudden hand clamped on your arm makes you exclaim and jump back, arms in front of you in preparation to fight off anyone who will try to attack you. You sigh when you see it's just Rency though, looking bright and chirpy, her annoyingly pretty face too far away from your fist for your liking.

 "Morning, y/n," she beams, tucking her hair behind her ear. "How are you? I was worried you were sick last night."

 "I'm fine," you reply shortly, your voice flat. "Just tired."

 "Oh. I asked Gally and he said you were," she continues, smiling broadly. "He's very nice."

 You raise an eyebrow and fight the urge to rugby tackle her. "Hmm." You begin to walk away awkwardly, trying to increase your speed, but she doesn't take the hint and follows you eagerly like a lost puppy, her stupid smile still on her stupid face.

 "He's very good-looking as well. And his body...wow. That was worth looking at," she winks, nudging you playfully. You throw her a look and don't respond.

 "He was telling me all about you yesterday when I went to see him and the other builders," Rency says suddenly. You look at her, bewildered.

 "What?" is all you can say. She nods, tucking more fluttery hair behind her pale ears.

 "Yeah, he was saying how beautiful and funny you were and how much he loves you and he dreams about you every night." At her words you feel your heart pound. Dreams? He never mentioned dreams to you.

 "He...he said that?" you whisper. Rency nods once again.

 "Yeah. I've been dying to talk to you after he told me all that but all the boys keep getting in the way." She frowns. "It's really weird."

 She's absolutely clueless, you think, still unsure whether or not to give in and forgive her for the crimes she didn't realise she committed. Her head snaps up when Newt calls her name, requesting her to carry on with work, and she gives you a littl wave.

 "Bye, y/n. I'd better try and fix all my mistakes. I keep doing the grapes wrong!" You seethe at her words; you worked hard on your grape project.

 When you turn away, mind buzzing with all the thoughts - your uncertainty to like her, your dilemma over Gally - you see Vince up ahead of you in front of the entrance of the maze. He stands as still as a statue, his inky crop of black hair and sickly white skin sticking out against the leafy green and stone grey back drop of the Glade and maze walls surrounding.

Gally x reader SMUTWhere stories live. Discover now