Blanger reunion

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Sienna : hey lib
Damon : just leave us alone sienna , you put us in danger and liberty could have died and you don't care
Sienna : guys please
Damon : just leave us alone , come on lib
(Liberty and Damon walk away)
(Sienna sees brody)
Sienna : hey brody
Brody : hey
Sienna : I was thinking we could go for a walk together
Brody : I'm sorry but I can't be around you right now you've hurt me too much
Sienna : brody please
(Brody walks away)
(Sienna feels all alone)
(Sienna goes back to her flat and starts crying then she thinks back in her head ( summer : I'm here and I get you sienna ) sienna thinks back)
(Sienna calls grace)
Sienna : hey grace it's me , have you heard from summer at all ?
Grace : no sorry she's taken all of  her stuff out of the flat
Sienna : oh right
Grace : sorry
Sienna : ok bye
(Sienna thinks to herself)
Sienna : summer where are you
(sienna goes onto social media and tries to find summer but she's not active)
Sienna calls summers phone)
Voicemail : hi this is summer , please leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can
(Sienna leaves a message)
Sienna : summer it's me , where are you , I just want to know if your ok , please just call or text , I need you
(sienna starts to break down into tears)
(Sienna goes to the police station)
Pc franks : hi can I help you ?
Sienna : yeah I'd like to change my statement please
Pc franks : ok
Sienna : summer didn't shoot herself in the leg , the truth is , she was threatening me with the gun but she wasn't going to do anything with it and liberty hit her around the head with her bag and then she picked up the gun and shot her in the leg
Pc franks : so liberty savage shot summer ?
Sienna : yeah
Pc franks : so summer didn't hurt anyone
Sienna : no she didn't and she wouldn't of she's been through a lot so please can you just drop the charges on her
Pc franks : I'm afraid miss Blake it's not that simple , as she also kidnapped liberty
Sienna : she wasn't thinking straight
Pc franks : summer ranger has done a lot of things we can't just let her go
Sienna : please , just drop the charges
Sienna : have you heard from summer at all ?
Pc franks : no don't worry we're still looking out for her so we will let you know , thanks for your time
Sienna : thanks
(Sienna sees Damon, liberty and brody all laughing)
Sienna : is this a joke to you ! , summer is out there somewhere and none of you even care !
Damon : you can't possible still care about her , she kidnapped liberty
Sienna : yeah , but she shot summer !
Damon : what have you done sienna ?
Sienna : I need to find summer
Damon : summer doesn't love you
Sienna : yes she does and I need her , she was there for me when none of you were and she understands me and I want to be happy and I was happy when I was with her
(Sienna leaves and goes back to the flat and she tries to find an address)
(sienna then remembered what summer told her , that she had a secret house)
(Sienna packs a bag and drives around until she sees the house)
(Sienna gets out the car and she knocks on the door)
(Summer opens the door)
Summer : sienna ?
Sienna : summer
(Summer let's sienna in)
Summer : sienna what are you doing here ?
Sienna : I needed to see you , because I love you
Summer : if you loved me then why did you betray me , because if someone loves you then they would never betray the one they love
Sienna : I'm sorry summer , it's just I wanted to know if liberty was ok
summer : I didn't hurt her , because I cared about you too much , I could have hurt her , killed her but I didn't because I knew you would hate me if I did
Sienna : I know you wouldn't of hurt liberty
Summer : but you still chose to side with the person who put my dad in a coma
Sienna : I'm sorry ok , summer , everyone has left me and I have no one else
Summer : what and you think that I'm just gonna take you back just like that , sienna you broke my heart , and I need time to get over your betrayal
(Sienna kisses summer)
Summer : sienna just go
Sienna : summer please I need you
Summer : just get out !
(Sienna leaves crying)
(Summer loves sienna but she doesn't want to admit it)
(sienna leaves and goes back home and liberty is there)
Liberty : so you went to see her then ?
Sienna : yeah , she's still hurt and I broke her heart , I've lost everyone lib , and I actually loved her
Sienna : you know , she was the only person who understood me for who I was , the real me , and I let her down as well like I do with everyone
Liberty : you really do love her don't you
Sienna : yeah I do
(Sienna starts crying)
(Liberty hugs sienna)
(A girl with Nike trainers and a black hoodie , hides behind a bush) , summer returns

Sienna : hey lib Damon : just leave us alone sienna , you put us in danger and liberty could have died and you don't care Sienna : guys please Damon : just leave us alone , come on lib (Liberty and Damon walk away)(Sienna sees brody)Sienna : hey b...

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