Bumpy road

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Summer : look thanks for letting me stay but I'm gonna go home , just so I can feel close to my dad again
Sienna : yeah of course , just be careful
Summer : I will
(Summer goes back to her house)
Liberty : hey
Sienna : hey
Liberty : how is she ?
Sienna : I don't know she was talking about her dad
Liberty : I know what will cheer her up
Sienna : what
Liberty : we should bake her a cake
Sienna : aw lib that's a great idea
(Liberty and sienna Bake a cake for summer)
(Sienna goes to summers house with liberty)
(Summer opens the door)
Summer : hey
Sienna : hey we have something for you
Summer : ok..
sienna : we made you a cake
Summer : aww I love it thanks guys
Summer : do you guys want a drink ?
Sienna : oh I'll have a tea
Liberty : yeah same for me thanks
(Summer makes sienna and liberty tea)
Liberty : so this is your house ?
Summer : yeah , well it was my dads but now it's mine
Liberty : how are you doing ?
Summer : I'm not good actually
Summer : I know , it's stupid but I really miss my dad , I always looked up to him , and he told me to be strong whenever I was upset , I know that he was bad but he was still my dad , I miss him everyday , every time I walk up all I wanna do is , just run into his arms and he'd give me hugs and we would have pancakes for breakfast and he would help me make cupcakes and we just had a laugh together , and I guess you don't realise what you have until you lose it
Liberty : oh summer I'm so sorry , it must have been so hard for you
Summer : yeah it hasn't been easy
Sienna : summer you can come to me and liberty whenever you want
Summer : thanks
Liberty : summer you can see faith whenever you want
Summer : really ?
Liberty : yeah
Summer : thank you
(Liberty hugs summer)
Liberty : your good for sienna , and I'm glad your with her , deep down you have a good heart
(Summer smiles)
Sienna : please summer just come back
Summer : ok
(Summer , liberty and sienna are walking out when Damon sees summer)
Damon : summer ?
Damon : lib what are you doing with her , get away from her !
Sienna : Damon stop !
Damon : I'm calling the police , then that psychopath can't hurt you
(Summer starts crying)
Summer : I'm sorry sienna , but this is too much for me ,  I can't do it
(Brody runs over)
Brody : well I don't believe this , look who it is , liberty stand back !
Sienna : would you all just stop ! Ok yes summer has done bad things , but we all have !
(The whole village starts to listen to sienna)
Sienna : we've made mistakes , but we always get a second chance , summer lost her dad , do you know how hard that was for her , sometimes things drive us to do things we're not proud of ! , but we've all had second chances , Juliet , Sid so now you all need to give summer one too , she deserves a second chance , and if you call the police , what is that gonna do for her , it's not gonna help her , just let her live her life !
liberty : sienna's right , summer deserves a second chance
Brody : your right , and summer I'm sorry for what I did to your dad , i had to live with it everyday and I regretted it the moment I did it , and I would have gone to the police
Summer : i just missed my dad that's all , I just wanted him back
(Sienna hugs summer)
Sienna : come on let's go home
(Summer goes back to siennas flat)
Summer : thank you , for what you did today , when I saw everyone it was really scary , knowing that that's what they all thought of me , it wasn't easy to hear but i understand
Sienna : but you shouldn't be treated like that , we've all made mistakes
Summer : I know
Liberty : hey I brought faith over here , do you wanna hold her
Summer : yeah sure
(Summer holds faith)
Liberty : she likes you
(Summer smiles)
liberty : that was really nice what you did today for summer
Sienna : I had to , I couldn't let her get all that said to her face
(Summer hears liberty and sienna talking)
Sienna : I wanna be with her for the rest of my life lib
Liberty : I know
(Summer starts thinking)
Closing titles

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