marigold x reader

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im starting off this book with a cute one shot. before it gets steamy and depressing :>

you take a deep breath and walk into the agency. you've started working for midas.

"goodmorning l/n!" he says in a cheery voice you roll your eyes. he chuckles.

"you're not a morning person are you? ah you remind me of my sister, you two would get along so well. i'll have to introduce you to her sometime! anyways i shall show you to your office."

he takes you to your office and hands you a shit ton of paper work.

"you're taking the piss aren't you?"

"language, don't talk to your boss like that, and no i'm not taking the piss, i need that sorted by the end of the day."

"ive just started and i already hate it here."

"chill out, you'll love it soon." he winks and skips out your office. you slam your head onto the desk.

"it's literally 9 o clock in the fucking morning why do i have to do paperwork."

the day goes on, while your doing your paperwork, midas is talking to his sister, she came to drop something off for him.

"thank you marigold!!" he leans in to hug her but she steps away.

"you're welcome." she has a stern look on her face.

"ugh you're so boring, lighten up a little."

she puts on a fake grin and rolls her eyes afterwards.

"you remind me of the person i just employed, they're just as moody as YOU." he pokes her chest.

"that's nice to know." she slaps his hand away.

"why are you so moody, i want a better sister."

"shut up will you."

"i think you should meet my new employee."

"i don't want to."

"too bad! you're going to" he grabs her hand and barges into your office. you jump.


"what do you want, i'm trying to finish this pile of SHIT you gave me."

"LANGUAGE KIDDO! and I've got someone who would LOVE TO SEE YOU!"

"i never said that." marigold sighs.

"ok and can i meet this person another time?"

"i think that's a GREAT idea midas." marigold replies to your comment.

"SEE YOU'RE EXACTLY ALIKE, I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE TO GET ON!!" he pushes marigold into your office and slams the door shut, patiently waiting outside it. you and marigold just stare at eachother with blank expressions.

you sigh. "ok what's your name i guess?"

"marigold, and yours?"

"y/n l/n. nice name you got"


you're both staring at eachother with blank expressions again. she walks closer to your desk and looks at the paperwork you're doing.

"do you need help with that? you're not even half way done, and i'm positive your shift ends soon. midas will scream at you if it's not done in time. he's a dickhead like that."

you sigh, "i'll be fine i think-"

"i'll help you anyways, i don't think it would be nice getting screamed at on your first day." she sits on the chair on the otherside of your desk and takes some of the paperwork and fills it out for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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